I got my hands on the actual Hucard the other day (where I can ACTUALLY get past stage 1), but this port is too damn easy compared to the NES version....well for anyone who can fly through the stages in general, apparently Hudson heard the cries of frustrated Japanese gamers that had trouble with the Famicom version. After running out of ninja magic beating The Masked Devil/Ken Hayabusa I was able to beat Jaquio & the Demon statue with a straight sword.
For anyone who's played only the rom, I noticed a bit of differences:
>Of course we know about the code to change languages
>Collision detection
>You still gotta be cautious even with the fire wheel magic, you can still get bumped by *some* enemies. For instance after jumping those columns in the middle of level 2, the enemy that was under the ladder still bumped me to my death even though my fire wheel was still intact.
>In the final battles unlike the NES version that tests your endurance only giving you , your energy refills after every battle
>The Demon Statue's pattern is a bit different making him less frustrating. There's a lot of balls bouncing around, so you have to run through as many safe spots possible and find a good place to strike his weak spot. Hell the weak spot after knocking off the head, is around the same spot it was, not that hard to reach glowing ball that made him so hard on the NES.
Because I beat the final battles on my first run, I don't know whether the PC Engine version pulls off the groin kicker of starting you back at stage 6-1.
As far as music goes I was little disappointed by the soundtrack, only track I liked on it was the boss music.