I guess another point i'm trying to make is out of the literally billions of different designs you could cut/carve/design with your machine that would also make you money you "choose" to do the Nazi/white power stuff.
Like if this was strictly for money. You could make more money off of the religious stiff b/c Christians/Muslims/Jewish people are a higher percentage of the worlds population than Nazi sympathizers.
Or if you did video game stuff for any system at all you would make much more money than you would by selling the signs in question, because video game collectors would go crazy for that stuff, but instead you "choose" to be the one who caters to groups of hatred, and justify it by saying i don't agree w/ everything they do.
I guess another point i'm trying to make is out of the literally billions of different designs you could cut/carve/design with your machine that would also make you money you "choose" to do the Nazi/white power stuff.
Like if this was strictly for money. You could make more money off of the religious stiff b/c Christians/Muslims/Jewish people are a higher percentage of the worlds population than Nazi sympathizers.
Or if you did video game stuff for any system at all you would make much more money than you would by selling the signs in question, because video game collectors would go crazy for that stuff, but instead you "choose" to be the one who caters to groups of hatred, and justify it by saying i don't agree w/ everything they do.
Fair points [Took a while to check this post, I know this is old news by now].
As far as Nazi ideology ,,, And I think I have said this before. ... I'm not all that up to date on it. I'm not an "absolutist". No doubt at all, I'd agree with many of their points. Others, I would not. I don't agree with mass atrocities that were committed by German forces under Nazi command - And I don't agree with mass atrocities committed under Allied command. Allies killed 100'000's of woman and children in mass fire bomb raids ,,, Choking, smothering, incarcerated to death, en masse, Yet, if I created the logo of the Mighty 8th Air Force which caused all this mass carnage, not many would have a problem with that.
I wouldn't either, war is hell. I've been there and done that. I have killed in combat, though of course not on the scale, intensity or passion of WW2. I have killed in hot blood, I have had close friends die in my arms. I have done and experienced things that most of you, god willing, will never have to face. [USMC 1986-2000] Combat deployments Panama/Somalia/Desert Storm.
Thats life, hard cold facts as the way it happens. I did was I was ordered to do, Germans did what they were ordered to, Allied forced who firebombed civilian population centers and practiced unrestricted submarine warfare against merchant shipping did what they were ordered to do.
"Nazi" is not "white power", to me. May be to you, not me. German designs to me are attractive. I don't sugarcoat, I don't shy away like a little girl from reality.
I'm white, and very proud of my heritage and ancestors. Yet, I wish other races the very best, so long as they don't seek to live off my back. I don't owe people from Haiti, Kenya or Somalia anything, they don't owe me.
You think I'm a racist for documenting history, thats fine with me. I wear your labels as a badge of honor. Germans designs are far and away the most attractive, imaginative and innovative of all military/political/paramilitary designs ever, and if you want to close you eyes and pretend/wish they never existed, thats on you. There are many people who have a legit historical interest in this stuff, without being rabid white supremacists - I am one of them.
I like German, not only Nazi, but Imperial. I like WW2 USMC, some Russian, and British. [BTW, Stalin murdered a whole hell of a lot more than Hitler, I bet you bleeding hearts wouldn't have a problem if I offered a Hammer & Sickle design]
Mao murdered more than both of the combined - So you can see, you are a bit brainwashed in this matter.
I don't "cater" to anyone. I do religious stuff, because am a Christian. I have done Islamic stuff, on request. Am I a greedy f*cker who will do anything for a $$ ?
No, I wouldn't do satanic shit, for example. I wouldn't do pro gay shit, because I am against that. 3rd Reich is a historical fact and, like it or not, there will always be an interest in their many designs and symbols.
The Swastika itself, as most are aware, predates the Nazis by 1,000's of years. The SA symbol, which caused such a squeamish reaction, is really pretty mild.
Hitler himself purged the SA well before WW2, and it played a very minor role in subsequent events ,,, So much so that no SA leaders were ever tried for war crimes at the end of the war.
As far as my membership at a racist website under the nym "Sho Nuff" well, I'm sure we all have a few skeletons in the closet.
We are all products of our yesterdays, mine involved bloody fights early on [6-7 grade elementary school] with blacks during forced bussing, which was imagined to bring blacks & whites close together and live in peace and harmony. Let me be the one to tell you, it had to opposite affect, and I was forced to fight for my life on a daily basis. You haven't experienced "racism" until you are in a minority of whites forced to go to school in a majority black school.
So yeah, I was a bit jaded from that, am still am - I will only note, if the nutty professor is so spot on with his internet snooping, that "Sho Nuff" didn't have a very long stay at "Chimpout.com" - I was banned, and guess for what reason ?
Because I defended Jimi Hendrix as the best guitarist ever, and an extraordinary talent. They jumped all over me like a pack of wolves, just like happened here, for having the nerve to say anything positive about a "nigger". I told them people to f*ck right off, and deleted my profile there before I was banned.
I call em as I see em, and I don't have the time of day for bleeding hearts or basement warriors.
Quite a few people here have my contact info, if you really feel the need, pm me and I'll be more than glad to supply that if you really have something to get off your chest.
I'll lock this thread again, forum circle jerks are not my style. You want to talk, send me your phone number, I'll send you mine.
Plexi signs, admittedly not that spectacular, are still available for those interested.