Finally, Jordan Chandler admits he lied about Michael Jackson of indecency, which became the pilot to the court case against the “King of Pop”. Jordan Chandler the child that accused Michaelfor misbehaving with him finally came forward to tell that the case was based on lies. EvanChandler was the father of the kid, he never approved the friendship between Jordan and MichaelJackson, and he is the one who accused “King of Pop” for having an unnatural relationship withhis son.Michael and Jordan were friends but Jordan’s father never approved their friendship, encouraged by his father Jordan charged “MJ” for the indecency in their relation. The case hit the streets,newspapers and tabloids and the only names people knew back then were Michael Jackson,Jordan and Evan Chandler, and media and law firms are hounding Michael Jackson.It would be better if I do not make it all in favor of Michael Jackson, but it seems like we mightnever be able to know the truth. It is very much possible that Michael or his family have usedtheir money to bribe or buy Even and Jordan and they have changed their statements, but whoknows.Anyway, these are the rumors I have heard over the internet and decided to write about it. After Michael Jackson’s death, Chandler has come forward and said that he made up the story just toinsult the “King of Pop” for the money. Now it is your turn to leave the comments and tell that according to you what can be the correct possibility.