Author Topic: Michael Jackson  (Read 2597 times)


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #75 on: August 31, 2012, 07:21:45 PM »
Well Xray was right in what he said about MJ, but just wrong in how he said it.  MJ guy molested children, no doubt.  It is a weird world we live in where stuff like molesting is excusable because you have good dance moves.

Its not for me to decide if he did it or not, and if it was, I'd personally require more evidence then just what ever is provided by the 10 O'Clock News before I make my final decision on someones guilt. As is I feel it was up to law enforcement to prove in a court of law whether he was guilty or not. I am a firm believer in innocent until proven guilty. Regardless, as a responsible parent, personally, I don't care who the person was, star or not, I'd not have been sending my kids over for sleep overs with "adults". Thats just asking for it and I don't understand the logic of the parents who did that, and Michael Jackson should have been considered eccentric enough as it is that it wouldn't be worth the risk. For them to do that, they might as well have been handing their kids over to any creepy guy that pulled up in a white van offering free candy and sodas because they clearly did not act responsibly with their children, regardless of whether MJ did it or not.


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #76 on: September 01, 2012, 01:05:40 AM »
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 05:27:09 PM by Bernie »


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #77 on: September 01, 2012, 01:17:30 AM »

Hany, startled awake in the middle of the night by a violent thunderclap, looks up to the heavens and pleads: "Peace, love and harmony. Is that too much to ask?"
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Emerald Rocker

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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #78 on: September 01, 2012, 04:58:58 AM »
I have reviewed the evidence and now deliver a stunning verdict!  And that verdict is...

Sorry Bernie, but after reading that series of quotes that you posted, your line of "Lol.  Choose to believe whatever the media says." is where this thing shut down.

Until then, you were both talking about MJ -- you believed MJ is innocent (you blatantly said so -- you didn't stop at saying "there's no evidence", you actually said he's innocent), meanwhile Xray believed MJ is guilty.  You both presented your cases in classic bro speak with lines like "only thing MJ is guilty of is being a weird mofo" versus "he was a complete POS as a person, and deserved to be castrated".

But then you dismissed Xray's view as being based on the media, as though your view is based on some higher authority.  You acted like you somehow knew better, and he totally called you on it.  That's when you started back-pedaling, claiming to be misinterpreted, started saying that he made it personal, etc... but Xray's got a point.  You escalated this thing twice (once by dissing his opinion, and again by telling him to "shut the **** up"), so you don't get to play the victim card.

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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #79 on: September 01, 2012, 05:07:26 AM »
My verdict: Michael Jackson is the shit; always has been, always will be. If you don't like him, go play some Lords of Thunder.
Quote from: Bonknuts
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #80 on: September 01, 2012, 05:20:44 AM »
My verdict: Michael Jackson is the shit; always has been, always will be. If you don't like him, go play some Lords of Thunder.

With full confidence*, Hany declares "I HEREBY SUPPORT THIS VERDICT. TG-16 COURT ADJOURNED."

P.S. As Hany is quick to point out (with heavy heart), Emerald Rocker has no jurisdiction to make a ruling. He can, however, provide a brief that lays out his reasoning. The TG-16 COURT has examined Emerald Rocker's brief and found it pithy and coherent. That said, Michael Jackson is the shit.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 05:23:48 AM by esteban »
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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #81 on: September 01, 2012, 06:19:48 AM »
No evidence, no guilt. Case closed.


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #82 on: September 01, 2012, 06:45:09 AM »
How does everyone feel about Casey Anthony?  OJ Simpson?

Fixed to cancel troll-notion, outside of Fighting Street.

...but my point remains.  This country further spirals down a path of degeneration that sickens me every day.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 07:11:20 AM by TheClash603 »


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #83 on: September 01, 2012, 06:55:05 AM »
appreciate the edit, just trying to keep things alittle more civil.

edited to acknowledge clashes edit :)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 09:13:14 AM by HercTNT »


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #84 on: September 01, 2012, 08:29:01 AM »
you know what's as good as MJ ... MC

That's right

Mac and Cheese.
Mac and Cheese.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)

BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere.

You can't tell most retro gamers anything!

Spenoza: The wannabe masculinity just overwhelms.


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #85 on: September 01, 2012, 09:29:22 AM »
Same thing in both of those cases, Clash... no evidence, no guilt.


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #86 on: September 01, 2012, 09:46:44 AM »
Same thing in both of those cases, Clash... no evidence, no guilt.

The thing is, there was evidence and plenty of it, just no guilt found.

Juries are comprised of a group of average joes that decide the fate of the defendant.  The trick here is that there are very high paid lawyers who are excellent at gaming the legal system.  These guys make millions of dollars each year because they are able to tip the jury selection in their favor.  If you are a rich man about to go on trial, why pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for a high priced lawyer and not just get the public defender?  The reason is because the high priced lawyer gives you an unfair advantage in gaming the legal system.

Go outside and walk down a crowded urban street.  Tell me that if someone you know was murdered by a wealthy or famous person, you would be comfortable with some of these people on the jury?

Innocence in a court of law does not mean you are innocent, it just means you won your case.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 09:54:19 AM by TheClash603 »


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #87 on: September 01, 2012, 10:03:39 AM »
I have reviewed the evidence and now deliver a stunning verdict!  And that verdict is...

Sorry Bernie, but after reading that series of quotes that you posted, your line of "Lol.  Choose to believe whatever the media says." is where this thing shut down.

Until then, you were both talking about MJ -- you believed MJ is innocent (you blatantly said so -- you didn't stop at saying "there's no evidence", you actually said he's innocent), meanwhile Xray believed MJ is guilty.  You both presented your cases in classic bro speak with lines like "only thing MJ is guilty of is being a weird mofo" versus "he was a complete POS as a person, and deserved to be castrated".

But then you dismissed Xray's view as being based on the media, as though your view is based on some higher authority.  You acted like you somehow knew better, and he totally called you on it.  That's when you started back-pedaling, claiming to be misinterpreted, started saying that he made it personal, etc... but Xray's got a point.  You escalated this thing twice (once by dissing his opinion, and again by telling him to "shut the **** up"), so you don't get to play the victim card.

I can see your point, but at the same time, I think the thing is Bernie is saying he isn't just going to play the part of judge, prosecution, and jury, and say MJ is guilty without actual evidence presented to him from sources other then the media. To be honest, what other "evidence" was provided other then what seedy tidbits the media put out there? Nothing like DNA test results, evidence from rape kits, etc were presented, and no case went forward into a court room for a trial, where ALL legitimate available evidence could be presented and testimony could be presented before a properly appointed judge and jury.

We as a nation would be in sad shape if someone actually was convicted solely due to hearsay and articles run in the morning news, without actual due process. The only trial that should have mattered here is the one in the court of law, not the one of public opinion. The one of public opinion should have played out afterwards after the accused got their fair shake. Unfortunately that did not happen, guilty or not.

And as stated above, Bernie did try to cool things down with the guy and make amends. The guy acts like he's never taken part in forum activity before though. Basically hes accused a bunch of people here of being pedo sympathizers and crap on no basis other then that they don't agree with his opinion or told him to f*ck off, people who refuse to "convict" someone simply based on heresay and media tidbits.

Neither Bernie nor Xray are victims, but I don't think Bernie was playing the victim card either. He posted what he said and has shown he tried to cool things down with the guy. Xray wont have any part of it though. Things did not really get out of control until all the pedo accusations started up and the implied threats of physical violence or wtf ever Xray was trying to convey there were posted.

I repeat, nothing said by Bernie or anyone else deserved the kind of lashing out Xray did. Xray took it to the next level by attacking peoples character and convictions here. There was no need for it to go that far, and just to grind it in, Xray has indeed carried over this petty crap into his raffle and sales. There is simply no justification for that.


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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #88 on: September 01, 2012, 10:32:06 AM »

Perhaps MJ is guilty, perhaps he is innocent.  The only people you can be mad at are the Cops, Judges, and Jurys.  In other words you get to be angry and the very fundemental aspect of our jurisdiction that lets pedphiles and their victems walk free......That is the concept that we will allow a million guilty men walk free before we convict one innocent person.   If you dont like it there is a place you can protest and your free to do so....Washington DC.  Throwing a hissy fit in a forum because you spent your childhood fondled by your late uncle touchy and your mom blamed you for it is not really a productive way to use your time.......Then again neither is sitting in the house all day playing video games but we all do it from time to time.

    Before you attempt to insult Bernie by telling him what he can shove up his ass....take a minute to consider that many people actually enjoy the ol glory hole and in reality all your really doing is wasting your time.  

As for OJ......thats one smart motherf(*&R.  I would pay anything to know how you kill the bitch who is f*cking you over and walk.  I could make one hell of a living doing that.  Instead I am plagued with this stench that keeps coming out of my crawlspace and my freezer is already full.

Now if you actually are still reading and your mind hasnt drifted off like mine tends to with every other long winded post on this forum......One honest and serious word of advice.......Stop taking the interwebz so serious..........who really gives a flying rat f*ck what someones opinion really is?  Is alienating yourself on the forum really worth some retarded bickering over something pointless such as an opinion?  Of course not but your doing a good job of it and in the end all your actually accomplishing is insulting everyone's intelligence.  All that will do is make people not want to work with you regardless of what you try and present to the community in terms of sales or trades and it will reduce your game hunting to ebay and whatever events you attend.  My point here is all your doing is hurting yourself, if your here to acquire games becuase ebay is retro-rapists or to discuss a common interest then your obviously screwing yourself because noone is going to want to deal with you.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 10:44:49 AM by tggodfrey »
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Re: Michael Jackson
« Reply #89 on: September 01, 2012, 10:38:43 AM »
I have reviewed the evidence and now deliver a stunning verdict!  And that verdict is...

Sorry Bernie, but after reading that series of quotes that you posted, your line of "Lol.  Choose to believe whatever the media says." is where this thing shut down.

Until then, you were both talking about MJ -- you believed MJ is innocent (you blatantly said so -- you didn't stop at saying "there's no evidence", you actually said he's innocent), meanwhile Xray believed MJ is guilty.  You both presented your cases in classic bro speak with lines like "only thing MJ is guilty of is being a weird mofo" versus "he was a complete POS as a person, and deserved to be castrated".

But then you dismissed Xray's view as being based on the media, as though your view is based on some higher authority.  You acted like you somehow knew better, and he totally called you on it.  That's when you started back-pedaling, claiming to be misinterpreted, started saying that he made it personal, etc... but Xray's got a point.  You escalated this thing twice (once by dissing his opinion, and again by telling him to "shut the **** up"), so you don't get to play the victim card.

Yes, I said he was innocent, because he was NEVER proved guilty with viable evidence.  Dismissing his view as being based on the media, is exactly what I did.  By your "investigation" standards, if someone came along and pointed the finger at ANYONE, then it hits the media, bam they are guilty.  Why, because that is what sells.  I am not playing the victim card as you say.  [-(  And I most certainly was NOT speaking in bro talk or whatever the hell you call it.  I spelled motherf*cker like mofo cause I was trying to be a little less vulgar.  Mofo looks much better than motherf*cker...  Dont you think?   :lol: