I mean...why is all used, modern games I buy in so bad shape? Scratched discs, wear and tear on the DVD case, missing pages in the manual etc etc - it's not hard to put the game back in it's case when you take it out of the machine, and then put that case back in the shelf or something.
You live in the USA, where Jesus is number one. Jesus says you must abandon your kingdom to follow him, or something like that. Also people of Juridian faith, also have rules about items that can rust, or mold. Everybody in USA is caught up with the idea of buying new, things and not taking care of things.
Japan has religious ideas, where if you take care of a book it will transform into Raccon Dog or something, in 100 years.
When I was a kid, I would tear threw my game stuff, ripping threw the game boxes, just to get to the game, like if it was candy. Even mark up the books, nobody forced me to preserve or take care of anything.