I'm in.
Also, it appears that Firebomber7 and Breetai have the exact same IP address.
And the same signature. And related custom titles. Breetai would be unwilling to accept any win; instead passing it off to Bernie who is not allowed to enter in this raffle due to the Michael Jackson incident carrying over to a vendetta being carried out in this thread.
To be honest, I thought XRay would have clued in to the fact that both posts were right after the other, have the same signature, and even the comment "sign me up for Bernie's slot." In fact, given that he did add the name "Breetai" to the list shows that he full understood that he was signing that name up for Bernie. I think that post was very clear on that.
So, XRay, to avoid confusion, just delete Breetai's name and add Bernie to the list. The poor guy had no way of informing you of his intention to enter this contest for your very cool sign.
Maybe they work at the same place, or just happened to be using the same hotspot at the same time.
Or you could check the entire 7 post history. That should clue you in.
No, I didn't notice anything or get "clued in", I generally just copied & pasted peoples nyms into the list as they flew in, without further ado.
Most forums will ban anyone using multiple nyms, so it never would have occurred to me to start scrutinizing posts, especially at 2am.
It would seem clear, from what you say, that you had no intent of being sneaky or deceitful.
Me & Bernie are Ok now, we settled via pm, and thats between him and me. He is still locked out of this auction for reasons I explained to him, and which he accepted and understood. It has nothing to do with any remaining harsh feelings or vendettas. I will do another sign raffle after this, and he is free to join that one, or any one after, as he pleases.
Everyone seems to be over this save for one guy, who I expect to shortly start ranting here again, he just pm'ed me a multi paragraphed thesis of his life story, then went right into insults and threats, including hoping that I choke to death on a bag full of cocks !
Once again, me and Bernie are Ok, you really shouldn't try to short circuit the terms of a raffle, good intentions or not.
People do things for reasons, and while you may not accept the reasoning as valid or fair, when someone is giving something away, their terms should be respected.