Yes, I am a parent, and yes, both my children were abused by their mother quite a few years back.
Oh sorry to hear that! If we weren't in a thread called "Hitler....villian or victem" I'd probably wanna know more.
He just oozes this arrogant convoluted attitude, and it seems he deems most anyone the enemy if they don't somehow agree with him. He did not even seem to blink at the mention of what happened to my kids, as he had no problems making light of it for his own benefit. For someone who seems to be so concerned with the well being of MJ's victims, I found that behavior quite ironic.
Yeah, the guy's an arrogant f*cking a$$hole (after seeing those PMs, I can fully say that), that's why when Bernie said he reached out to him to make "peace," I thought bad move, cause this is the kind of guy that'll slap ya in the face for it! Looks like he saved it for you though. He thinks at least 5 others should've been banned if he should've been, I guess throwing me in there as well... How dare I call him out! The attempts at making peace weren't enough, his arrogance wanted to get the last word in so he left us with the Hitler card ("if you don't see MJ's guilt like I do, well, I question if you can see Hitler's guilt" - in other words, we're THAT BLIND!) - you know, f*ck a guy who pulls that out AFTER dropping the pedophilia charges, you know? f*ck him!
Note, I mentioned a "temp-ban" of some kind to cool the f*ck off or a forced apology, but he went and turned that into, "The power to silence him for all time, a banishment from the 'kingdom'". f*cking reading comprehension skills these days or an intentional rewrite to cry censorship like you can just post whatever the hell you want on somebody else's forum! But if he is gonna repeat this sort of thing and throw his weight around cause of some raffle, I would say keep him the hell off for even longer, but whatever. I'll take it as a badge of honor I made his Enemies' List with one post.
He's got that hang-up about unequal treatment of regulars versus noobs, so to establish himself, he tries to bully as many as possible, to let us know he don't take shit from nobody. Congrats, a$$hole! You've quickly established yourself alright in record time!
Similar to what he did with Bernie, he also posted lying about what I said to him in a pm. I never threatened the guy. I also did not slam him with a volley of insults, I simply told him how it f*cking was and that he could go eat a bag of dicks.
Ah, I see. He's all paranoid and like "You're all the same to me!" assuming you made his Enemies' List, so he totaled all the things that were said and is spreading them to everyone as if everybody was on the same page! Heh. I definitely see that he's trying to falsely exaggerate some of what was said to him to try to make his charges of "a bunch of boy loving, pedo-pounders!" more justifiable... He IS making that argument, that everything that was said to him, is equally as bad as everything he said in return which is false balancing and if he should be banned, the others should be right along with him! Bullshit! He's a dishonest defaming hack, hands down!
No one here is going to like this, but f*ck it. Why are people putting up with this guy?
That's why I gave you props for taking it to his thread... He dropped that level of defamation, then went back to business like it hadn't happened and I was scratching my head, is he getting away with that? All that energy you found for soop in Fighting Street would've been far better spent on him and morally justifiable if you ask me...

I don't know, maybe for the promise of a free neon trinket.
I didn't know about his damn "signs" at the time, so I guess I understand what the deal is now...
The question to be asked is, would they be if he wasn't giving shit away for free?
Probably not, but I don't care about his signs and I think Bernie showing him his two "signs" (2 middle fingers) in the photo wasn't such a bad call now! I was thinking about speaking up earlier in that thread, but I was trying to avoid getting into my 2nd fight here as I did with the mechanic guy in the TurboFest thread. Then Bernie posted about reaching out, and I guess things were calming down, but I still couldn't help but feel I should've called the guy out for what he did... Well, he showed up here, wanted to bully me too, so the opportunity came anyway.
Case in point: Dave Median insinuates Nats ripping him off on his Duo, most the entire community jumps down his throat thus starting a 2 or 3 year Temporal Cold War or whatever with a single individual.
Ah, so that's how that got started and his "You'll never forget me, never I say! Never!" I caught the guy's videos on youtube attacking Aaron/PCEFX and was like WTF?
Xray accuses people of being f*cking kid rapers and pedo sympathizers, and clearly means it too, and other then for a select few, no one says a mutha f*cking goddamned word other then "hey sign me up, count me in
". Its a damn shame, seriously, but whatever. As long as I don't feel that my morals are compromised, I'm straight, and that's all that matters for me in the end.
While his signs are unique, I just wouldn't know where to put one (plus for me it'd be a stupid purchase, it'd just collect dust, never be turned on cept to see if it works upon arrival) and I wouldn't want this guy getting my business even if I wanted one...
Edit: Ehh NightWolve, obviously he wont really ignore you. He'll spend 10 mins reading your post then reply with some nonsense about how he cant see it. It's all about taking the high road. 
Heheh! This had me laughing for quite a bit! He's really given new meaning to taking the "high road." For a f*cking a$$hole talking about "girlish" moves, he sure is thin-skinned and he's gotta make sure it's known, "On my ignore you go! Hmph!" That fast, after one post, err my second one? Never really seen that before.
I don't know Jibbajaba, but he said it well: hey, I guess we better watch out with the criticism lest he puts the whole board on "ignore," as in, the rage finally gets to him, he deletes his raffle, gives everyone a great big f*ck you, blames us in particular, then runs off satisfied knowing he'll have further pitted fellow regulars against each other! "
You'll never get my signs now!!! Never, I say! NEVER! f*ck all of yous turbo guys!"
Your typo gives me a good reason to post this link:
I know I've seen this before.