Why is a subject like this on this board, shouldn't this be in the Fighting Street?
There is a lot of feelings towards, that subject. WWII was caused because Germany was in dept for the Industrial revolution war AKA WWI, and everything that came after that was pure propaganda. It is like what occurred with the Orient region, of the world, or the "House of Un Americans".
Thanks to Germany WWII we have computers, our medical is up, and harriers ( UFO ). Also we have Master Vega, as well. The reason why Americans shave their heads is because during the lost era, we were expected to go off to war and die. It has nothing to do with Hygienically needs at all. Also during the post war era, people were getting married in their youth, and the continues peace resulted in our world until 2001.
However post WWII also marked, when the European people of American was also urged to destroy their non-European agenda. From the Japanese camps, to the zuit suit riots, and even anti negro activities. Even if we had that, we still lived in peace. The negativity was all in our imaginations.