How come the caves are void of enemies once you defeat the main guy in it? I just got Ark his tools back.
I kind of like this. Gives you a breather of sorts, and is better than when a cut scene ends and you are all of a sudden right where you need to be. It's more engaging when you need to backtrack a bit, and this doesn't make it so frustrating.
All in all I think it's great. Good progression, leveling, and grinding not a chore.
One thing that I love, as with any RPG of this style, is spell animations. These games always need spell animations if I'm going to see them through. I loathe RPGs where spells just make enemies flash no matter what spell you use. I'm looking at YOU dragon slayer.
Anyway, one challenge I'm finding (and others have mentioned it) but every 7th or 8th load time is a bear. 30 seconds plus, is tough when you only have an hour or so before the twins start up.
But splitting hairs aside, it's fantastic.