Man Turbo prices are discouraging. It's worse than Neo Geo prices.
I'm not familiar with Neo Geo prices, but the reality is the vast majority of the TG's library can be had for cheap. There's maybe 10 games or so that really get expensive. There are lots of great games you can get for under $20. See the thread myself and vestcoat linked to earlier—most of the top titles aren't that expensive. Wanting boxed games does tend to up the price quite a bit though. The pricier Hucard games I have were mostly bought loose. I commandeered cheaper game cases and used Sparky's stickers and inserts for those. Looks great and you won't be dropping $300 for Soldier Blade or Legend of Hero Tonma.
Of course, as others have said, getting PCE games is almost always vastly cheaper. Unless you have a serious attachment to the US games (which I fully understand
), I'd seriously look at getting the Japanese versions. That's what I've done for Terraforming and Super Air Zonk. And, of course, a flashcard for Magical Chase.
EDIT: I guess I should mention that for Beyond Shadowgate and Bonk 3 CD you are sort of screwed. Those titles (and a few others that don't usually go for
that much) were only released in the US.