Did you know?
If you get item not as described, and the auction's ship from location is not valid (ie Ships from USA when seller is not in USA) often you can get refund without shipping back. I had a case I bought a laptop battery from a seller listed in Texas. The tracking # I got a few days later were weird and not in USPS, FedEx, or UPS format. I think it was Chinese post. I got the battery 3 weeks later and it doesn't fit at all, even though the description stated fits laptop xxxx and replaces battery xxxx that matches mine. Contacted seller, they claimed I was wrong about my laptop (how can I be wrong? It's printed on my laptop and battery) and stated no refund, exchange only.
Filed claim, eBay said send it back, I pointed to them the seller's listed in Texas but the return address is not Texas. eBay said keep the battery and sent me full refund.
Funny ass thing that happened...when they sent me the paypal refund, in the msg line they actually requested that i pay them back if/when the batteries show up on my doorstep.
SCREW YOU!!! I'm gonna take your batteries for wasting my damn time, monday is week 8 since order was shipped...they probably fell off the cheapass shipping boat sailing across the Pacific