Wow, this spiraled into an interesting discussion. Like I said, it's not the money that's an issue, not sure where grimm got the idea that his shipping charges were an issue on my end. It is just that I've lost a handful of items in the past few years that were shipped internationally and I'd rather avoid the whole potential headache and purchase one domestically.
To throw in my position on what's needed/not needed:
- Recapping is nice, but it's plenty easy enough to do myself so I wouldn't go out of my way to find a re-capped console.
- New lens would be fantastic, I've tried to replace a lens in a PS2 one time but that went really poorly.
- RGB mod is almost a requirement on my end. I could pretty easily do the actual mod, but making the cable seems beyond my abilities (I've tried wiring a VGA connector before and I could never get it working, I assume SCART would be just as difficult), so it's easy to assume that an RGB modded console would come with a cable.
- Region mod/s-video mod does nothing for me, for the handful of TG16 games I would want to play I bought one of those $45 flash cards from a member of the forums and I'm going RGB so no need for S-Video.
- Cleaning them is nice, but I really don't mind if it has some yellowing, gives it some character.
I've contacted Keith Courage, but he doesn't have any RGB modded in stock, I'll be sending him another message asking if it's possible that he mod one if I bought one.
I've also reached out to as I read someone got their console there and was treated well.
Hopefully one of the two will be able to help me out
