So I was in Seattle a bit ago visiting some friends and they took me to a used game store, Pink Godzilla. Lo and behold, they had a loose super system card for $60. So I picked it up, and went on with my vacation. A couple of weeks later I'm back at home so I try the thing out and it doesn't work. After booting up the system the screen just shows white and nothing else happens, the CD never even spins. My first assumption is that either it's broken or I have one from another region. Well, there's writing on the back of the hu card that says the same stuff as the system card that came with my Turbo CD except for 3 lines about patents:
"U.S. Patents #4,462,076
#4,442,486 #4,454,594
Canada Patent #1,183,276
At this point I go online and look for some pictures to see if the American version has any of that stuff written on the back. I could only find pictures of the front and discovered one thing, the Japanese version has an icon in the lower right whereas the American version does not. The card I purchased does not have said icon, so at least I've got that going for it.
Anyway, does an American Syper System Card include the US patent stuff on the back? Do I have like, a PAL system card or something weird? Is the thing just broken?
Thanks for your help.