Thanks for all of the advice guys. It's been a little while since i posted on here but rest assured i've been lurking around.
The cd lens is moved all the way over to the far right, almost half-outside the area covered by a cd.
This is most likely the problem and is "easily" fixed. Simply drag the unit back to the left (gently, obviously) and it should reset itself when you turn the Duo on and access a disc again. Don't touch the lens, just wedge a fingernail in the plastic housing and gently pull it. It will move, trust me.
Yes, i had the same problem sometimes with an old Sony discman and it always worked after i forced the lens back over to the inside.
So, to update y'all, it's now almost 1am.
i just got back home from a show and finally worked up the courage to try moving the lens again. But the sucker WOULD NOT move even when i wedged a tiny screw driver in there and pushed really damn hard. i pushed as hard as i could without breaking anything and gave up with no movement or progress. Then i tried putting in another CD and felt sudden delight rapidly followed by horror as the CD started spinning but making a terrible scraping noise as it spun around.
After a fiddling with several things i placed both of my thumbs firmly on the movable plastic piece and shoved DOWN on it. this must have bent things back into shape and the system is now playing CD games again.
It sucks though, i really want to play Meteor Blaster but i'll be damned if i'm going to try it again on my Duo and i am not a computer gamer. you're talking to the guy who played through Ultima 3-7 on the NES, SMS and SNES, respectively. i'm a home console player all the way and hate using emulators and the feel of keyboards.
What sucks is I got a $150-200 ticket for running a red light on my BICYCLE at a 3-WAY intersection earlier this week and I really don’t have money to deal with a broken Dou right now.
I'm sorry, but that's hilarious. That must really suck though.
yeah, i realize it is kind of funny. Usually when i go through red lights with a cop around, i make a really big show of stopping, putting my foot down, looking both ways and then putzing across the intersection.
The only reason i blew right threw it with him sitting there (besides being a dumbass) is because it was a 3-way intersection and if you can imagine a "T" i was biking across the top of the "T" with the sidewalk to my right the whole time and no chance of a car hitting me. I guess i'm going to show up at the court date and see if i can get the fine lowered or at least make sure it doesn't go on my record.