The original Gameboy also has this feature built into, maybe you could ask Gunpei Yokoi the answer to that question. So far, as I know, the PCE along with the gameboy, does not sport any reset button whatsoever.
The SMS. NES. Genesis, SNES, has a reset. It is a real pain in the arse,
to get up every god damn time, just to reset a game. Why? Because some of us, unlike in Japan, do not have their consoles right next to them, on the floor. However the gameboy also have this feature, and some SNES games, too. is a in game reset. Think of it, like with an emulator.
Some games have the reset feature turned off ( because to my knowledge, the feature is on always, and you must disable it, on a programmer level . ) .
Turning the machine on and off can damage it.
Using the built in reset feature, can damage the system, or even saves?
So basically if the feature is not built into it, tuff cookies. Otherwise be blessed to have something that is always switched on.