Thanks Superdeadite, maybe just need more practice. Hopefully I get more out of the game then as the first 7 stages are fun but easy after a few tries.
LOL @ Arkhan
Lost Monkey. Yes, the ships speed changes. I play on the mid speed on that level, tried to crank it to max speed but you lose so much control that you avoid some but end up ramming into something else. At least I do.
Anyone else with tips would be appreciated!
I think this exact question has been asked about 3 times, and the most recent was within the past month or two!
Anyway, the trick is dodging the enemies that "" right at you. They always appear at the same places (alternating right and left), so you simply have to force yourself to start dodging left (or right, as it were) BEFORE you normally would.
It actually is as easy as it sounds and you don't need a speed-up (although that certainly helps): DODGE LEFT, DODGE RIGHT, DODGE LEFT, DODGE RIGHT. Break. Fwweeeeww. CRAP! THEY'RE BACK!
I don't recall having a significant problem with any of the other enemies/sequences in the final stage...but I do remember having to learn to DODGE EARLY.