Author Topic: Whats the name of and where can I find the video that has all the islamic people  (Read 1070 times)


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I got more, you also accused the United States of backing Osama bid laden. This is also not true. you ever hear of charlie wilsons war? No? let me tell you. the US did not want to back afghanistan afraid of another vietnam. But senator charlie wilson decided to aid afghanistan due to the fact the russians were raping and murdering. The russians would drag people out in the street and make their families watch as they drove over them with tanks. Charlie knew they had no chance without better weapons so he convinced the egyptians, Yes the egyptians, to provide the afghans with weapons so as to not give the appearance of the US being involved. So The US did not back osama bid laden (he was a soldier in the war against the russians yes), Charlie wilson backed afghanistan against the russians. So if your gonna hate on the US, you need to decry egypt as well for helping do you not? Don't make such statements without knowing the history, and without laying blame to all parties involved, not just the ones you choose to hate. Am i wrong? go do your homework, then come back.

If you understood the topic to be about libya in general, (it was not, it was about your glorifying of Gadhafi that i commented on, go back and look), then why did you throw in all the other political crap like you did in the other thread?  Your all over the place, and thats called trolling.
So Charlie wilson was the only one in the US government who wanted to support Islamist terrorists, including Osama bin Laden as you admit, in Afghanistan?

I didnt bring in other political crap, you guys did when you accused me of hating America and started mentioning the other thread. Why are you accusing me of bringing in outside topics when thats on you guys?

Who the hell knows, do you, go look it up and find out. why do you keep dodging the fact that others were involved. How about egypt? You said we supported Osama bin laden. We did not, we supported the Afghans against the russians. Why did you dodge that? So it was Islamist terrorists taht were fighting the russians? why no hate for the russians? We did not have problems with Bin laden until the war was over and the taliban took control. And you can ditch the youtube crap, obviously if its on youtube it must be true right? And more importantly, my statement to you, in the beginning was about gadhafi, you replied with a blanket statement about nato, the uniteds states and a whole bunch of other crap.

Why is it, when you say bad shit about the United states is proof? Why is it when you see bad stuff about Gadhafi its alleged? Thats not called one sided?  Even better, why talk such bad shit about americans anyways. Hate the leaders if you want. I'm not thrilled with the people running iran, but i got nothing against its people. Gadhafi was a murderer, but thats not the libyans fault.
Herc, where did I show any hate for the American people? Why is it that when mainstream sources alleged the jamahiriya was guilty of mass atrocities, everyone assumed it was true? Why is it that when government officials stated that NATO airstrikes were killing civilians, they were dismissed as self serving liars and propagandists when they were stating truth?

Herc, to be fair, more people have been killed at the hands of Communist party dictators than islamist terrorists, by far. That doesnt make US support of islamists any less factual. I agree that it wasnt really a problem for the US until the internal power struggle played itself out... But that can be seen as a natural result of US policy. We are still dealing with the consequences, the worst of which may be the growing debt.

Nec, where have I played the "I'm totally unbiased" card... Which subjects? Besides the greatness of Image Fight...

I asked you some simple questions, that you still continue to dodge, so i will give you another chance.  Your telling me the people fighting the russians were islamist terrorists and not afghans trying to remove the russians from there country?  You have attacked the United states for supporting these islamists as you call them. Yet egypt did to, you have yet to denouce egypt for thier involvement. Do you denounce them as well?  France and Germany led the charge on Libya. There are 28 nato countries, most did not participate in libya, are they all to blame, or just the United states? You know who supports alot of terrorists, arab countries. Are you against islamists? if so, then do you denounce arab nations known to support islamist terrorists? Pass the hate around my friend. One thing i have noticed about people like you. You have not problem pointing the finger, but have a hard time looking within. Or just dodge outright.


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I got more, you also accused the United States of backing Osama bid laden. This is also not true. you ever hear of charlie wilsons war? No? let me tell you. the US did not want to back afghanistan afraid of another vietnam. But senator charlie wilson decided to aid afghanistan due to the fact the russians were raping and murdering. The russians would drag people out in the street and make their families watch as they drove over them with tanks. Charlie knew they had no chance without better weapons so he convinced the egyptians, Yes the egyptians, to provide the afghans with weapons so as to not give the appearance of the US being involved. So The US did not back osama bid laden (he was a soldier in the war against the russians yes), Charlie wilson backed afghanistan against the russians. So if your gonna hate on the US, you need to decry egypt as well for helping do you not? Don't make such statements without knowing the history, and without laying blame to all parties involved, not just the ones you choose to hate. Am i wrong? go do your homework, then come back.

If you understood the topic to be about libya in general, (it was not, it was about your glorifying of Gadhafi that i commented on, go back and look), then why did you throw in all the other political crap like you did in the other thread?  Your all over the place, and thats called trolling.
So Charlie wilson was the only one in the US government who wanted to support Islamist terrorists, including Osama bin Laden as you admit, in Afghanistan?

I didnt bring in other political crap, you guys did when you accused me of hating America and started mentioning the other thread. Why are you accusing me of bringing in outside topics when thats on you guys?

Who the hell knows, do you, go look it up and find out. why do you keep dodging the fact that others were involved. How about egypt? You said we supported Osama bin laden. We did not, we supported the Afghans against the russians. Why did you dodge that? So it was Islamist terrorists taht were fighting the russians? why no hate for the russians? We did not have problems with Bin laden until the war was over and the taliban took control. And you can ditch the youtube crap, obviously if its on youtube it must be true right? And more importantly, my statement to you, in the beginning was about gadhafi, you replied with a blanket statement about nato, the uniteds states and a whole bunch of other crap.

Why is it, when you say bad shit about the United states is proof? Why is it when you see bad stuff about Gadhafi its alleged? Thats not called one sided?  Even better, why talk such bad shit about americans anyways. Hate the leaders if you want. I'm not thrilled with the people running iran, but i got nothing against its people. Gadhafi was a murderer, but thats not the libyans fault.
Herc, where did I show any hate for the American people? Why is it that when mainstream sources alleged the jamahiriya was guilty of mass atrocities, everyone assumed it was true? Why is it that when government officials stated that NATO airstrikes were killing civilians, they were dismissed as self serving liars and propagandists when they were stating truth?

Herc, to be fair, more people have been killed at the hands of Communist party dictators than islamist terrorists, by far. That doesnt make US support of islamists any less factual. I agree that it wasnt really a problem for the US until the internal power struggle played itself out... But that can be seen as a natural result of US policy. We are still dealing with the consequences, the worst of which may be the growing debt.

Nec, where have I played the "I'm totally unbiased" card... Which subjects? Besides the greatness of Image Fight...

I asked you some simple questions, that you still continue to dodge, so i will give you another chance.  Your telling me the people fighting the russians were islamist terrorists and not afghans trying to remove the russians from there country?  You have attacked the United states for supporting these islamists as you call them. Yet egypt did to, you have yet to denouce egypt for thier involvement. Do you denounce them as well?  France and Germany led the charge on Libya. There are 28 nato countries, most did not participate in libya, are they all to blame, or just the United states? You know who supports alot of terrorists, arab countries. Are you against islamists? if so, then do you denounce arab nations known to support islamist terrorists? Pass the hate around my friend. One thing i have noticed about people like you. You have not problem pointing the finger, but have a hard time looking within. Or just dodge outright.
I agree, other NATO countries did lead the charge politically, but the US led the charge militarily. Equal condemnation for all parties involved, though Im most outspoken about the US because I'm most interested in seeing my own country lead the charge back to our root beliefs as a nation and a non-interventionist foreign policy.

Youre right, many (all?) arab countries support terrorists. Condemnation to them for that, though they do not claim to be fighting a "war on terror"...

Yes, I absolutely believe that the vast majority of the fighters in Afghanistan were indeed islamists. Yes, I also believe that they were fighting to keep the USSR out, but there were also rival warlords vying for power and wealth. Yes, equal denunciation to Egypt for any role they had in supporting islamists in Afghanistan. Egypt had been a strong ally of the USSR during the Nasser era.


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Oh my freaking GOD!!!  This shit is still going on?  Someone please close this damn thread.