My parents bought mine for Christmas in 89'... got Blazing Lazers as well. I was 11 at the time, so no job to afford my own games. Didnt really amass many unless it was my birthday or Christmas... but ended up getting World Class Baseball, Legendary Axe, Dungeon Explorer, SideArms, Neutopia, and Cadash. Also had a Turbo Tap, an extra Turbo Pad, and a Turbo Stick. When the Duo was coming out, I sent away for the promo video and begged my parents to get me the system for the next two Christamas's... to no avail. After that, I was old enough to drive and cars became my new passion.
Fast forward to about a year ago and I was helping my parents clean out their basement. Discovered the original system and all the hookups, Turbo Tap, Turbo Stick, SideArms, Dungeon Explorer, and Blazing Lazers. hooked it all up to my TV at home and to my surprise, everything worked! This rekindled my love for the system, and I've been having too much fun ever since!