Well, people are listening to this stuff, without any knowledge of what they are listening to. I just feel man this one just takes the cake, in stupidity. Seriously, this is worst then Penut Butter Jelly Time, much worst. It is a song about some guy, and how his style is. Sooner or later the guy who the song is about is going to finally come out of the shadows.
My problem is that it is Korea. Korea comics are not Japanese comics at all, but they sell as Japanese comics. Korea videogames are no differnt then Hong Kong knock offs but they sell, as
big time productions, and is censored for a US audience. Korean animation is no differnt then animation in the west, but it is Asians, without the west. It just seems that they are mimicing Japan, and are having an easier time of it because they are Asian.
In the USA their is a plauge of Asianess. From us who grew up with videogames, to food being priced lesser and fat people being classed as cancerous. Walk and do not walk sign are not even in english anymore ( one of the few simple things we learn when young ). They even have exchange of law, and schooling practice. It just seems that everything is bent towards Asianess. Maybe because USA owes alot of money to China and other nations in the East.
Maybe because we have been programming people to be anti-society with Asainess. Like how Englsh people at one point thought French people were cool, sexy, life-giving but I am talking about pop-culture.
Korea is just another China, but over the years they have been advertising themsleves as another Japan. It is like thining the heard of actual citizens. Like take me for instance, you can read all of my wonderfull posts, and see why I am so famous. I am like the Aliens in Project A-ko, and while I am on Earth, I too have the urge to be with my own kind.