I know about Sidearms, but I'm talking more along the lines of side-scrolling platformers, rather than space shooters. I've heard of Veigues Tactical Gladiator, too, but I've also heard that that game sucks. Any others?
I remember one magazine stating that the mech controls like "a drunken ice-skating robot". Which, IMO, sums up the game completely. I had this game new BITD. I wanted to like it.. I really did (I gave it a lot of chances). It a lot going for it (scrolls, decent graphics, decent music, you are a mech!, etc). In the end it's just frustrating because the control and design is just... shit/broken. If you can can get over that aspect of the game, then you'll sure to like it.
Exactly my thoughts. The concept of the game is great, the graphics are nice, everything about the game is good....except the control. That kills it for me.
In Defense of Veigues Tactical Gladiator (a semi-yearly rant from esteban)
Comrades, you haven't given the game a chance to shine in its special little way. THE CONTROLS ARE FINE when you accept the fact that you are supposed to power-up different weapons strategically to overpower your enemies. THIS IS NOT A PLATFORMING GAME THAT REQUIRES PRECISION JUMPS AND ACROBATICS. You're supposed to be a sluggish mech (weighed down by the ridiculous amount of armor and firepower at your disposal) WHO UNLEASHES A DELUGE OF BULLETS, CHEST PELLETS and DYNO-PUNCHES at the onslaught of enemies. In fact, THIS IS ONE OF THE NICE THINGS ABOUT VEIGUES: you often feel like swarms of enemies will distract you and one little bastard projectile (or opponent) will slip through and get you.
I LOVE THAT YOU SLOWLY GET DAMAGED and lose different abilities/weapons. It's wonderful challenge to see how long you can survive before overheating. OF COURSE VEIGUES IS TOO EASY FOR ME NOW, but I remember what it was like. These days, I allow myself to get damaged, just to see if I have survival skills.
FLYING (hovering, actually) SHOULD ALWAYS BE SLUGGISH (haven't you seen the rocket/hydro jet packs folks have devised? Veigues was never going to be a graceful sparrow darting through the heavens, Veigues is a GODDAMN GLADIATOR that, at best, can be described as a CLUMSY, ARMORED GARBAGE CAN that hovers far longer than you would expect it too and is far more graceful than you would expect it to be. IT IS FUN AS HELL TO FLY/HOVER (some games are too generous with flying and it loses its novelty. Other games are too stingy with hovering abilities and are frustrating for players, like me, who want to TASTE THE HEAVENS). Veigues, in other words, is the best balance. The novelty doesn't wear off, it's always a treat to utilize VERNIER. That said, Veigues is, admittedly, not unlike a mecha-turkey who hovers with the best of the gobble-gobblers.
Early in the game, foolish players fail to recognize the amazing versatility of the CHEST-PELLETS. I love spraying my pellets up, down and all-around. CHEST CANNONS ROCK! You aren't playing a TRUE MECH UNLESS YOU HAVE A CHEST CANNON LIKE VEIGUES. Other games might have boring, imprecise missiles or lazers that launch from the chest. HOW BANAL. Veigues has goddamn PELLETS fearlessly unleashed from a chest cannon.
In tight quarters, later in the game, you gotta have your DYNO-PUNCH powered up to the max. AGAIN, AMNY GAME THAT LACKS SOLID PUNCHING IS NOT A TRUE MECH GAME. You know this is true.
Yeah, of course your mech has the standard gattling gun...and you'll use it, but the beauty of the game is you are encouraged NOT TO RELY ON IT.
Some ENEMY DESIGNS (including bosses) tend to be simplistic and boring, but, hey, they aren't that bad. I WISH THERE WERE BETTER BOSS BATTLES, but I never claimed Veigues was without flaws.
The soundtrack is quirky and suits the game well. It is minimalist cyborg-pop that sounds exactly like the tunes the robot swarms would listen to.