The first is all platforming.
For it to be a platformer, it would consist of jumping on enemies, and collecting rocks.
I know where the terms
Action RPG ( what I call J-rpg ( what I also call adventure ).
Comic Adventure ( even Graphic Adventure

Point and click ( which is really just comic adventure/
I just want to know where did this term sprung up/. platformer?
So far what I understand, is a videogame, where you can jump and collect rocks, and maybe have a boss to fight that requires three or six hits. Basically when we have no RPG elements, and the game repeats itself over and over again with tasks, to keep the fun going. I think that sums it up for me.
What I believe as with the Indian Jones effect. People wanted an Action, or Adventure game that is completely lacking violence whatsoever, and is still fun, So in the west we created meaningless but fun creations called platformers ).
For example
Earthworm Jim?
Action game because you can move him around but plays out like an J-RPG because the situation Jim is in.
Adventure Game because you guid Jim threw a bunch of levels.
J-rpg because he weilds a sword, or fire ball and shops at stores.
Platformer because he jumps up.
My problem is that when we create something and the world is lacking and is just a bunch of goofy sounds, and
make a no sense, we call it a platformer, but seriously it just limit us, because of jumping.
Like Wonder Boy/Adventure Island for example, started out as an Arcade game that in fact turned into an J-rpg.
Of course we have dangerous dave, oh look a jetpack oh look a gun, big spider kill splat.
Just somethng that I had to run off the top of my skull. I call em all J-RPGs, just to remind that when Falcom made the knight started to move around inside in a FPS box, they changed history alongside that other game,
nobody wants to think about, because it is just too cruel to play and finish.