I got the Turbo CD player at the end of summer 1990. I was 15 years old and thus too young to have a "real" job. However, my next door neighbor had a part-time business treating wood fences with some kind of preservative, and he hired me for a couple weeks. It was a disgusting job because by the end of the day I was always covered with whatever the heck it was we were spraying on those fences. Hope that stuff doesn't cause cancer later. Also, my neighbor usually foisted most of the work on me while he went back to the truck for a nap. This was during July in Texas, so it was hot as hell. Anyway, by August I had enough for the Turbo CD so I bid adieu to my neighbor (actually I wanted to give him a swift kick in the ass) and it was off Babbages to finally realize my dream of playing Ys Book I & II. NEC had just dropped the price of the CD player by $50 via a mail-in rebate, so I was able to buy it for the bargain price of...$350 plus tax. Yes, all you kiddies griping about paying four big ones for an Xbox 360 just need to shut up now. My TG-16/CD combo cost me $550 after rebate. That's inching towards Neo Geo territory. Anyway, long story short, the store didn't have Ys so I had to make do with Last Alert. Sheesh, not an impressive beginning I tell you. "Guy Kazama, say hello to my girl Betty!" "You're some weirdo, naming your helicopter!" Ugh...