Does anyone know why they don't allow comments on their reviews?
I'd guess troll avoidance.
Yes, trolls and spam bots are plagues to avoid on the innernets.
I actually typed in comments a few times (because I was so eager to build on the review), only to slap myself in the forehead when I couldn't actually post it. WHY I DIDN'T LEARN MY LESSON THE FIRST TIME is troubling. I suppose it is because I am a sporadic reader of Duomazof...I usually only read about games I have played thoroughly.
SOLUTION: Bardoly, start a thread here at dedicated to OUR COMMENTS on the reviews at Duomazof. NOTE: Use "Official Brothers Duomazof Thread" as the title and voila! Instant credibility.
please do! I'd love to hear others thoughts on the reviews and games.
I will do so on Monday when I have a chance to type up an erudite first post.
After doing so, I'm going to be tempted to go back and re-read a lot of their reviews so that I can properly coment on them.
I was also thinking of the best way to set up a comment thread for so many reviews. Maybe I'll save the second post for all of my comments, and then others coil do likewise? Like everyone would put all of their review comments in one post, and then leave additional posts to respond to others' review comments? Any other ideas here?