Author Topic: How to save the Vita?  (Read 1391 times)


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2012, 09:07:08 PM »
I think you'd be happier than a kid on Christmas morn for the great Nintendo to have the game market to themselves.

Yeah, I know you are committed to the axiom that SignOfZeta loves the idea of a Nintendo monopoly despite the fact that there is zero evidence of it.

My handheld game collection consists of a lot of Gameboy/DS stuff for sure, but it also has two Wonderswans, two Neo Geo Pockets, and a PSP. In fact, with the PSP now dead in the US (as far as I can tell) I'm still importing the occasional PSP game from Japan to the tune of $85+ a piece. I sure must HATE Sony's machines, right? As for consoles, the single most expensive piece of software I've EVER purchased is the Macross: DYRL hybrid Bluray/PS3 game earlier this year which cost nearly $250 after shipping.

Mathematically speaking, I just did a count and only %52.9 of my handheld game collection is for Nintendo systems, which I'm sure is far far more diverse than your average gamer considering Nintendo ships probably %60-90 of all the handheld games made, depending on what year it is. I haven't counted my console games but I know for sure the Nintendo ratio isn't even close to that high. Most of my stuff is Sega and NEC.

Plop, plop.

I know you're comfortable with your head up your ass, tightly packed with your own baseless conventional wisdom, but it would probably benefit everyone if you pulled it out, at least once in a while, and took a look at the world around you before forming diamond hard unshakable opinions based on complete crap. I'm not the sort of person who is pro-monopoly in any marketplace. A lack of options benefits no one. Furthermore, while Nintendo always has the most popular handheld out there, its never the best, at least not at many things. When the PSP was still (fully) alive its amazing screen alone often times made it the go to choice for any game that was on both systems. I'm still pissed Space Invaders Extreme 2 never came out for PSP. I have both the DS and PSP versions of the first game and the PSP is by far my favorite.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2012, 09:53:40 PM »
I think the problem with "gimmicks" is that often you really aren't given a choice but to force them upon users, as Rover says.  The Vita has done alright so far IMO with offering up options to use different methods, even if some bits do seem tacked on.

Tacked on bits are the charcoal rubbings in Uncharted (though that's neat), and an example of open options is the accelerometer steering in Gravity rush, and aiming in uncharted.  Both can be turned off - and need to be if you play on a bus >___>

But for instance, we all know how much Sony pushed 3D on the playstation, and with certain AAA franchise exceptions (ok and some wii ware), the Wii was pretty much limited to the nunchuck and Wiimote.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #47 on: October 23, 2012, 04:26:47 AM »
Yeah, I know you are committed to the axiom that SignOfZeta loves the idea of a Nintendo monopoly despite the fact that there is zero evidence of it.

I based that on how quick you are to defend any criticism of Nintendo, how you oft complain of the evils of Microsoft, how you've said more than once that Sony products keep getting worse and worse (the latest being the Vita which nobody wants at all), and I don't think you really consider cell phones to be competition (competition for limited entertainment dollars but not specifically game console competition).  I'm at least partially correct in that you'd prefer for MS to leave the gaming business all together and for Sony to completely change their business plan of complicated jack-of-all-trades machines, right?
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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2012, 07:18:40 AM »
I defend Nintendo because they are very good at what they do. Anyone who can't see this is a retard. They also make more money at what they do. Their fiscal situation of course effects me not at all, but when ignorant hardcore gamer jackoffs say stuff like, "Why doesn't Nintendo do this?", or "I won't buy the machine unless it does this, so they better do it!" they need to understand that there is a reason they do things the way they do them. It isn't incompetence, not even slightly. Maybe you can get that shit you want on the 360 and the PS3, but keep in mind those machines make little to no money. Perhaps what gamers wan't is completely unsustainable, at least for now?

I slam Sony for getting worse and worse because this too is totally true. They f*cking OWNED EVERYTHING 15 years ago and now they have jack. Nintendo isn't even competing with in the same market as them, honestly, which means they lost the crown to...f*cking Mircosoft? How?

And I slam MS for all the same reasons people slammed MS before they got into gaming. They are a corrupt monopoly that leverages their might into every facet of every industry...and I say "every" industry because there isn't much going on in the world that MS doesn't have something to do with. When they got into game machines it really pissed me off since they bought out the last few Dreamcast projects to sell them to MS customers, most of whom couldn't give a shit less. These days, I have to be honest, MS is doing a LOT better at most of the stuff they do. They stopped doing stuff like putting out operating systems that were shit on purpose just to force an upgrade later (there is NO excuse for Windows Millennium, none) and the 360 is about 100x the system the original XB was. I still don't love them, but most of the anti-XB stuff I went on about was a long time ago.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2012, 07:19:34 AM »
There are tons of sweet games on the DS

The 3DS on the otherhand, not so much (yet)
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2012, 08:54:48 AM »
Yeah, while I quite like my 3DSXL I can't say the software selection is amazing or even acceptable.

I don't think the 3D screen itself has anything to do with that at all though, it's the extra money needed to develop GameCube level graphics and sell the games at $40 or less. The actual 3D effect is pretty easy, in polygonal games its essentially free.

So far I have the Williams pinball collection (very fun, but not a system seller) Steel Diver (hugely underrated, IMO), NSMB2 (quality for sure, but really unoriginal, even for a Mario game, and the 3D is underwhelming and useless), and Pilotwings. I really really like Pilotwings. It makes effective use of the circle pad and the 3D.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2012, 09:51:30 AM »
I have Kid Icarus and Code of Princess.  They are both fun, as is Bust a Move, but its f*cking BUST A MOVE.

I just got it because I like Bust a Move.

The rest of the library is underwhelming.   Star Fox 3DS is f*cking retard easy pussy shit.   I was really mad at that stupid game with how you can close your eyes and win.

Rayman looks cool too, and plays nice

[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2012, 09:59:06 AM »
I have Kid Icarus and Code of Princess. 

Those two and the new Mario 3D spike my interest in the system, as well as the DS library. At least until better games come out.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2012, 11:51:22 AM »
Mario 3D Land is the best game on the system, and I have played loads of 3DS before making this decision.  If you have a 3DS and don't have Mario 3D Land, it is the game that should be on the top of your must buy list.

My favorite Vita game to date?  Now that is where quality underwhelms.  I might be tempted to say Resistance or Uncharted, even though I acknowledge both games are pretty average.  I had a pretty good time with Blaz Blue too.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2012, 12:32:57 PM »
I honestly can't fathom buying Bust a Move again.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2012, 03:46:09 PM »
Bust a Move Again again even.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2012, 03:50:56 PM »
This is just my opinion, but I think what the Vita really needs is some games that AREN'T slightly upgraded versions of PS3 games that we've already played years ago. Seriously, that category is AT LEAST half the library. :lol:
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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2012, 12:05:03 AM »
This is just my opinion, but I think what the Vita really needs is some games that AREN'T slightly upgraded versions of PS3 games that we've already played years ago. Seriously, that category is AT LEAST half the library. :lol:

TBH, I don't own a PS3, so I wouldn't mind, but I know what you mean.


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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2012, 03:22:42 AM »
I honestly can't fathom buying Bust a Move again.

I buy it whenever its released for anything basically. 

and then I get home and play it on my neo geo cabinet and wonder why I bought it.
[Fri 19:34]<nectarsis> been wanting to try that one for awhile now Ope
[Fri 19:33]<Opethian> l;ol huge dong

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Re: How to save the Vita?
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2012, 04:11:31 AM »

and then I get home and play it on my neo geo cabinet and wonder why I bought it.
