REQUEST: I would like support for Tapatalk (or equivalent application) for my phone. YES I CAN DREAM.
I realize the pcefx forum is on SMF 1.1.16, but there is a Tapatalk plug-in for 1.1.16 and it would offer some basic features (I'll settle for anything!) If the tech gurus have a better solution, please share! BACKSTORY: I don't like to miss threads/posts, but I hate manually searching through every forum (if ever there was a reason to CONSOLIDATE SECTIONS instead of creating new sections/sub-sections, THIS IS IT!).
Not surprisingly, the "Show unread posts since last visit" function is crucial to me... but it is a very limited and unforgiving way to manage my participation in the forum. If I accidentally hit refresh/close tab in my browser, I'll lose the list of threads I need to catch-up on.
An app like Tapatalk would reduce this frustration and allow me to participate more frequently and regularly.
And, finally, the trend (towards using mobile devices) doesn't seem to be slowing down. Ha! Any measure to make the forums pleasurable to mobile users is a good thing