Because you mentioned homebrew, I'd like to say that part of the trap that goes hand in hand with that is that sometimes the people doing the games are really programming games they want to play personally, rather then the general audience. Usually it works out well anyway, but sometimes not so much. For me I really only prefer to spend money on stuff I know for sure I will play, if only for a few times anyway. I just like making sure I am going to get my moneys worth, and yeah, I'm going to be critical on everything, graphics, music, soundfx, controls, etc at times. My game buying habits as a adult are the same as they were when I was a kid. I want to have fun with what I play, and I want to be impressed. Why should I give anyone my money if neither happens?
When I know the system hardware is capable of doing a lot, I expect a lot to be done on the system. I guess to some extent that makes me spoiled. But then again, I find I even enjoy weird odd ball stuff like Robodemons on Nes, which could pass for a subpar homebrew visually, but is so out there otherwise that it kinda makes up for the lack of visuals and tight controls.
I had hopes for Dinoforce due to the screen shots, but seriously man, somethings up if they are not willing to show more then what they did. I am sure someone will nab it regardless for 6 grand or whatever, but whoever does prob wont release it. And if the game sucks, you know they will be too embarrassed to admit it after putting up that much scratch over it. What I'd really hate to see is people here putting in 100-150 per person only to end up with a total dud.
While you might be happy with the outcome, because you're just desperate for anything new you can get your hands on, others may feel screwed if it ends up sucking. Even at 100 bucks, I'd want to know what I was getting in advance, especially after the Eat Communism joke too. Due to that, for all you know someone could have taken a note from that and faked the actual prototype from scratch. Knowing what you're getting into is a reasonable request, and the people behind this sale seem to be inclined to hold back that kind of info due to what evidently seems to be Solid Snakes old nemesis Big Boss's request for details to be withheld. If I saw enough of the game to know it is complete enough to be considered a finished product that looks fun, I'd consider throwing down 50 bucks or so into a group effort. As is, no way would I do so.
And speaking of Pit-Fighter, I'd pay good money for a Arcade Card port of Time Killers, if someone actually wanted to bother working out a deal with Incredible Technologies and Strata for the rights. Or for that matter if someone made something similar, corny, fun, and ultra violent. Not like the TG/PCE couldn't handle it with a arcade card and all. I'd even be willing to help with character design.