Well, I guess to be fair a lot of this has to do with nostalgia. I'm still blown away that I can play Double Dragon 2 and Ninja Gaiden on the PCE. I didn't realize that back in the day and even if I did, there was no realistic way I'd get my hands on those games. I did play them on NES though. Marble Madness is similar, but goes back even farther. I remember my buddy getting this for computer back when the NES wasn't much to talk about (hell, may have been before the NES was released, this was a long time ago). It holds a special place in my mind. Even with that though, if I found out a US release of Pong was planned and protos exist for it, I'd lap that shit up. Yeah, Dino Force looks to be more intriguing, but either way Marble Madness is a game I didn't know actually existed and I find that fascinating.