Few notes...
First, we're cross-promoting the Midwest Gaming Classic with the Distant Worlds Final Fantasy concert set for February 14th at the Milwaukee Theater. You can get 10% off your Distant Worlds tickets by following this link and entering "MGC" as your promo key:
https://oss.ticketmaster.com/html/go.htmI?l=EN&t=wsctr&o=1685420&g=163We'll have a booth at the show, so please stop on by and say hi! We'll have some games set up at the booth I imagine... Heh, maybe we can sneak in a TG16 or something?
Second, I placed a rather large FAQ up on the Retroids forums you guys may find interesting:
http://retroids.com/site/showthread.php/329695-Midwest-Gaming-Classic-2013?p=508593&viewfull=1#post508593I cover a little bit of everything on there and plan to update it some more in the future.
Finally, beer... We're likely going to have an after-party in the museum area Saturday night. I was thinking it could be fun to set up a table with some examples of the local breweries around where we live, though we have a few rules. First and foremost, since this is in the museum and there are likely going to be some kids joining their parents, we need to watch the table and ensure kids under 21 aren't drinking. Also, nobody can get so wasted that you could cause any damage (or trouble, for that matter) in the museum around all the classic consoles and the folks there. Drink responsibly, as they say.
Last point is necessary since it is the show rule on after-parties... To get into the party, you have to be involved with the show. That means you either need to bring consoles and games for the show use, TV's (which we can always use, btw!), run a tournament, help set up or tear down... that sort of thing. I really can't make exceptions on this because the whole gist for these parties is to allow the folks that are running the show a chance to play and enjoy some of the games there. If you'd like to take in the party Saturday night and would be willing to provide some of the examples I outlined for getting in, let me know and we'll figure something out.