I love you guys. But, damn...
You guys are crazy: the critique presented in the Feminist Frequency video is valid concerning video games (and the entertainment industry in general).
The bottom line is this: Ms. Man and Smurfette Syndrome are, sadly, dominant in pop culture. Character designs (aesthetics) as well as character traits (personality, identity) of female characters should be more progressive by now. Storylines are just as pathetic.
Nobody is saying we can't have shallow, hyper-feminized video games—we can have have them! BUT THEY SHOULDN'T REPRESENT 99.99% of the content.
Dear Lord, mainstream pop culture would be so much more interesting and less insulting if it was populated with genuine characters, period. If a significant number of these genuine characters happened to be women (gender would not be their defining quality), then I would be impressed.
Most of you know that I am on the far-left, politically, so I categorize this Feminist Frequency video as a PRETTY MILD FEMINIST CRITIQUE of the video game industry (personally, I'd have much harsher things to say if I were making a critique), but men are such pussies they can't even handle a mild feminist critique. Suck my left one! Yeah, I know this isn't Fighting Street, but damn.
One final point: the
sexist trends/patterns of entire industries (for decades) is what pisses feminists (me) off. As I said earlier, I am not trying to take away all your tits-n-asses, I just don't want it to represent 99%+ of the content.
Thank you