Oh, permiso, permiso, mi amigo!! It's serious business 'round here, forgot, my apologies! Joe don't like the bullcrap around here, either answer his grumpy questions when put forth or buzz off...
Do *most* people want/need/like/care-for tutorials in a game ? Probably not for teens and up, no. I personally never minded/cared when I first saw the concept in Super Mario World. It doesn't offend me to your level, but different strokes for different folks of course. Sometimes there were important tips from the tutorial boxes though, but I'm the type that's far too lazy for instruction manuals, let alone tutorial stuff, so I like to just jump right in most of the time.
In this case, it seems to be a cutesy way to introduce the two characters the story revolves around, have them interact, while providing a tutorial on the side. I think I saw this before in Mega Man X, quick little tutorials by other characters to explain moves and what not, but yeah, I know I've seen it somewhere before.
Anyway, I don't care one way or another as long as they don't last too long or get really annoying.
Reposted (P.S. One must blast the speakers to really enjoy that tune!):