Don't like my opinion? I don't give a damn. I don't like yours either. So I guess we're even.
The difference being, I am not being very serious about any of this twinkie shit, whereas you are...
All the while, outside people are only concerned that their "food" (I use that word extremely liberally here) supply is in danger of disappearing.
Outside people are rarely concerned with the inside. Why should they be?
So hey, if these workers can just "find another job", I guess y'all can just find another junk food and stop bitching about it, eh?
We all know twinkies will be back, and yes, there are plenty of other foods to eat in the meantime.
As for the workers, they can find another job. Many probably have already.
**Note the following is not meant to be a blanket statement directed at everyone who got f*cked by Hostess**
The hostess factory is basically like a McDonalds. It's fairly simple to find a job if you don't set your standards way too high. Highschool kids do it all the f*ckin' time.
There's highschool kids making solid incomes working at places like UPS. But, you'll often find adults who pull that whole "OH I REFUSE TO WORK AT UPS BECAUSE THEY'RE CORPORATE DICKS" shit and would rather just sit and talk about how f*cked up every company is instead of shutting their traps for awhile and getting a f*ckin' job so they're not making tomato soup out of ketchup packets and water that they stole from a McDonalds that they should probably apply for a job at. Most adults pull that entitled to this/that shit and can't budget themselves for shit. This includes the innocent workers of Hostess. If you're poor as f*ck and jobless, shut your internet off. Tuck that money away til you aren't broke. Go use free internet somewhere. like at that McDonalds you should probably apply at
Young kids are all like "Money!? COOL GIMME IT". Adults are like "Money!? FROM THERE?! HELL NO." followed by "f*ck. IM POOR. FINDING A JOB IS HARD. I HATE AMERICA. IM MOVING TO CANADA".
Yes. Finding a job is hard when you let your pride/ego/whatever get in the way of super sizing some food for some retard so you can get paid.
When they say "The job market is rough", they mean jobs requiring degrees and shit. Everyone and their brother is an engineer major now. There are hardly any engineering jobs in ohio.
Walmart/Grocery Stores/Retail outlets/Fastfood places on the other hand, I see "NOW HIRING" signs left and f*ckin right.
If you can handle a hostess factory job, you could probably be a manager of a bunch of stoned teens at a McDonalds or some shit.
Protip: They have benefits.
I'm f*cking sick of this "blame the worker" and "blame the union" mentality. This is just "blame the victim" mentality in a corporate setting.
Right now, you can certainly blame the workers for being f*cked. They could've stuck it out at least til the end of the year. Now they're hosed for the holidays, right?
Who the hell strikes before thanksgiving? That's n00b as f*ck.