I will never do this, but i was talking to a friend of mine the other day about me playing my TG16 still and he was like.."WHAT? you still play that?"
I was like yeah totally, best system in the world. He proceeded to tell me he was a brand new tg16 in the box in his basement that he never opened
WTF. I didnt believe him and told me to show it to me..
He did, WTF again with 6 new games never opened.
Bonk 1,2 Alien, King of Casino Bloody Wolf and i cant remember the other one..(not including keith courage here btw)
He didnt think much of it that he just brought it for his kid that didnt want it (wanted a SNES) and just left it in the basement to collect dust.
Told him dont be surprised if it ends up missing..