17 and 14 year old boys...both are slaves to new games (Skyrim and WOW to be precise). However, they have both taken shots at Y's and will sit and watch me try to figure out the Japanese script on my copies of Might and Magic 1 and 3. I think that once I get MM3 again, they will give it a stab. The 17 year old is intrigued by the menu system and how "complex" it is. When I heard him say that, I took him upstairs, booted up the old 386 and played the first dungeon in Ultima 1...yes, on a 5.25 floppy. He was bonkers over the complicated nature of the old games but sat there while I fought through the dungeon and paid close attention.
I don't know what, as a 12-17 year old, I would have done with Skyrim or Prototype or Halo 4...hell, any of the newer adventure/RPG/FPS games that are out now. To me, THEY'RE complex and unwieldy.