If you are so bitter about all the pricing of stuff, then maybe you should do it full time at cheaper rates. Seriously. Yeah, you do the occasional "super"gun, but why stop there? Put your money where your mouth is and stop derailing everyone's threads everywhere you go. If you want to flame and start problems, don't do it here. It's pretty clear that no one wants to see that. I know you've been lurking at NG.com so you might as well just use the War Room there for your venting. People there expect a flame war.
I will build one for someone anytime they ask. And yet again,you open you mouth and insert foot. I have a supergun for sale on ebay right now,been up for a couple days now,and sold 2 others couple weeks ago on there,plus I do them for people locally here where I live.Check my feedback on ebay if you care to.
Id say 4-6 a month is fine for me. Its not like everyone and their mother is out trying to buy them right now.
If flaming means shooting down your bs then so be it,cause you defending Kurtz without solid proof was complete and utter BS.
and stop derailing everyone's threads everywhere you go
Whos thread did I derail here exactly?
Oh,do you mean when I shut your lame ass down for lying to that guy about how your supergun would be great for Time Killers,yet again trying to make another $250-300 sale when you didn't even know anything about the game? I did it in a pretty polite manner,but yea it disgusted me to see you jump on him like that for a sale. I dont know,he seemed pretty glad I informed him when him and I talked about it.
I straight out told him that he shouldnt get a supergun just for Time Killers,and if he wanted one for that game,I could do one for him,if he wants,when ever,or that Massystems would also be a good choice.
If yours supported -5 volts,used more then AES controllers,actually came with arcade sticks, and supported more then 4 button game play for under $300,then you know what??? Id have suggested your SG too!
The select button on a neo stick doesnt count for shit in a game like Time Killers or Blood Storm, and its not my fault you choose to do that,its your problem. Just dont go telling a guy yours would do fine when you either know it wont,or just plain dont know.
Id say the only thing I derailed was your sale you were trying to pull off,and that wasnt even your thread,was it.
Honestly Dean,I dont remember you being GOD of the Threads here.
If you are going to defend a buddy,at least know what he has been up to,dont get mad at me because I shot you down with solid facts. And this is Pcenginefx.com here,not the NG forums,and this thread isnt in the war room. Its here,and its not derailed as of yet,but it will be if you dont take your punchs and move on.
This thread is about resellers is it not? Are you not a reseller buying up hardware and modding then selling it,and software too on your multimods site?
I would have to say I thought your software prices were reasonable. I respect you on that.You seem to stick to the normal going price.