Retro, those are decent prices on everything besides DE II and the original asking price on the DUO (which you already stated are both negotiable and hope you mean it this time). Since I am man enough, I offer an apology for coming off the way I did. I felt burned by your tone on Ebay for offers I was willing to do in good faith (and was being nice about), as well as your attitude here after I talked about said experience. I learned the hard way that this forum is special, and there is a lot of etiquette involved. This is why I was passionate about not seeing my friends here get ripped off. I would not take credit for if anything I have said has impacted your pricing tonight, or if anyone you know on these forums from the original thread has graciously assisted in the decision-making, because anyone here who cares would have done the same.
Regardless, I am the humblest person you'd ever meet and it's unfortunate we couldn't make a deal on Ebay. So here I am graceful, and with an apology. I will say nothing more on this thread.
Edit: And here I was trying to show some class. After your last comment?... *smh*