We want more mods, we want more rules, etc. but we are hanging out on a forum that basically has no administrator. At the end of the day, if we want more control over the forums, we're going to have to move. Like over to the forums that sunteampaul set up when PCEFX went down.
I'm not encouraging anyone to ditch this place. I'm just saying that it's pretty obvious that PCEFX is a take-it-or-leave-it situation at this point.
I will also say that the Prof's idea of us self-policing will not work. These people show up to dump stuff and we all rail on them, but behind the scenes guys like retrohungry and segasaturn 51195 are selling stuff. So what reason do they have to listen to anything that we say? They have no intention of sticking around, so they might as well flame us right back. We're all paper tigers anyway, since we have no way to boot/ban them. The best way to handle the situation would be to treat them with respect and point out that their prices are too high and that this isn't eBay (but do it politely). If they act like a$$holes and/or don't lower their prices then of course none of us "regulars" will buy from them (and in fact we should completely ignore them instead of keeping their thread at the top of the page with constant bumps), but just as there are people who sign up here just to sell shit, there are also people here who sign up just to buy shit, and we can't control what they do.
The best thing we can do is only sell our stuff to forum regulars and only buy stuff from forum regulars or noobs who have reasonable prices. We really can't control the actions of noob gougers and buyers who only have a membership here to fill holes in their collection at any cost. If you really can't stand those people, the best thing to do is to completely shun them.