Author Topic: A new ruleset should be implemented for new members joining just to sell crap.  (Read 5222 times)


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I have no idea, to be honest, if I actually get "good deals" when I occasionally purchase stuff. I'm at least 6-10 years off with all my "ballpark figures" for the prices on games (I used to buy stuff regularly 6-10 years ago when I had a few more $$$ to spend on games).

I did purchase an R-Type HuCARD (excellent condition, complete in jewel case, no cardboard box) within the last few months (from a person I considered a newbie) for ~$15? I was happy as hell, only because I've wanted it for a damn long time (I remember when it was a ridiculous $60-70 in Toys-R-Us). Clearly, my yardstick for pricing is skewed.

...and I have PCE R-Type CD and both HuCARDs already...

Was this a great deal? I have no f*cking idea.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 10:14:02 AM by esteban »
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All I can now do is laugh after reading that Esteban.  In a perfect world all that matters is the happiness of getting a game at a price that is alright for your budget.

that being said I can't say the recent new sellers were good experiences for me . . . I'm still due a refund from 1 I'm beginning to doubt I'll see it.
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)

BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere.

You can't tell most retro gamers anything!

Spenoza: The wannabe masculinity just overwhelms.


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The price or game value arguement will never end.  Sure, new members come here with the idea games are worth more becuase of other sites like ebay and amazon.  At least they come here and learn.  On the opposite side of the coin existing members arent perfect either.  I see existing members expecting to pay 10.00 for a game but expect to sell it for 20.00 on this forum.  I have seen older members sell Cotton here for 250.00 when the forum wants to argue the game is only worth 50.00.  To go one step farther i have seen existing members want to sell a series of items for a given price, lets say 150.00 but then turn around and sell that same lot for cheaper on another forum like Nintendoage.

My point here is that "noob" status isnt the problem.  Its people in general.  Everyone wants stuff for nothing but they want top dollar when they sell.  I find the claimed prices on the forum to be cheap as can be.  granted these games were 45.00 new it sounds rediculous to pay 35.00 for any game.  What does 35.00 get you these days?  Not even a full tank of gas.  I dont support raising prices but price will naturally go up with the inflation of our economy.  it sucks but it is what it is.  As long as new members can discuss and understand that the forum does not acknowledge Ebay as a Price determining factor, I dont see a problem.  There will always be someone who claims a price is too high no matter how low it is.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 12:33:37 PM by tggodfrey »
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The price or game value arguement will never end.
Prices are a secondary concern for me. I only brought it up because you and mrhaboobi were worried about good deals going to ebay, which is unlikely.

We're never going to reach a consensus on prices. My concern is the a$$hole factor. I don't agree with 70% of the prices in the sale forums, but I generally keep my mouth shut, especially if it's a reputable member or active gamer. I didn't flame Saturn because of his prices, I flamed him because his contradictions were insane.

The point of this thread is stopping the noobs who simultaneously profit on us while giving everyone the middle finger. Guys like Swiss "Suck it" Canada, Retro "f*ck off" Hungry, and "I'm Still Here, Fags" Xray. No one joins an obscure hobby forum to sell collectibles to strangers for bargain prices. First-post sellers are a$$holes. Period. And anyone with <100 posts is highly suspect. There's no good reason to rubber stamp newcomers for the sale forums. 

The only conceivable benefit to transient gougers is the entertainment factor, as Zeta pointed out. Some of the our finest moments and the majority of Nat's Hall of Shame come from such unsuspecting peddlers: Enix, Johnnyblaze, etc. That said, even I tire of the BS after a couple days. The peace and harmony around here was downright palpable when Xray and Canada were finally banned. A post requirement would have prevented every a$$hole cheapjack I've mentioned except for Xray. It's a good idea and it will be worth the peace and quiet.
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when i got here i was looking for a duo (or other CD hardware) as i had no way to play cd games.
found the place when the sound died on my express.


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it's not a good idea though to assume a seller is making a profit on a game though especially on common games that might be 5-10 bucks more then you'd spend because you don't have any idea what THEY paid for the items
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Yeah I see your point and I agree with the "a$$hole factor" lol.  Trouble is how do you set a rule up to keep the asshoels out and not hinder the honest sellers/buyers.  Not everyone is all that interested in constantly posting threads in the discussion forum.  Take me for example.  There isnt anything I can post in the MOd section that you guys dont already know.  The discussion threads I post in are mostly when I am bored at work.  Not everyone has internet available at work.

Time frames seem to be a common choice on some forums.  I usually see 30 day limits.  On the automotive forum I ran, i used post count for the BST section.  Using 50 posts worked since posting 50 trolling comments takes time and we could catch the individual before he got away with it.  It did hurt member who just signed up looking for repair parts.  Never did find a real good middle ground but the 50 post requirement is still active today.
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Trouble is how do you set a rule up to keep the asshoels out and not hinder the honest sellers/buyers.

Time frames seem to be a common choice on some forums.  I usually see 30 day limits.  On the automotive forum I ran, i used post count for the BST section.  Using 50 posts worked since posting 50 trolling comments takes time and we could catch the individual before he got away with it.  
Yeah, I don't think we'd need a very big limitation. Just a token time limit would be enough to stop fly-by-night sellers from trying to make a quick buck w/o fees. And Steve has a valid point - a public marketplace may attract good people who aren't initially interested in shooting the breeze.  I don't know what options are available to admins... maybe the sale forums could still be viewed by everyone so new members could buy via PM; but they couldn't start threads, i.e. sales, until 30 days and/or 50 posts.
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No one, a$$hole or not, should be buying or selling shit until they meet a post count requirement, and can provide solid references if selling here for the first time. Anyone joining should be able to provide some kind of referral, either via ebay seller feedback, or other forums, yet many of the dicks who have come here dont, and no one ask them to which is crazy and stupid. Digital Press, the Neo forums, etc all have a feedback system of some sort in place. We don't, and the market system here has always suffered as long as I have been here due to the lack of it. I mean, we are talking since 2005 here.

By the time they make it to the required post count you should be able to filter out if they are a dick or not. Bad members hardly ever make it past the first 50 post, and dealers for profit only will never make it past that either because they want to just make money and move along. Yes, I know that sucks for the one 3rd minority here who wants to buy up whatever shit is brought in, but lets face it, shit would be a lot calmer around here if a more strict rule set was in place. All the bullshit is just a distraction, and to the casual viewer, seeing it take place outside of FS gives the forum a bad image.


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shit would be a lot calmer around here if a more strict rule set was in place. All the bullshit is just a distraction, and to the casual viewer, seeing it take place outside of FS gives the forum a bad image.

Wow.  pot meet kettle.  Dont you think the endless complaints out of you do a good job of making this forum look like a toilet?
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Dont you think the endless complaints out of you do a good job of making this forum look like a toilet?
Professor is the urinal; I'm the toilet. But that's OK. See, we hire Esteban to follow us around and do damage control, cheering people up with his funny pictures. Unfortunately, poor old Esty is maxed out and the server limits how many times he can paste that Bonk smiley in a day, which is why we need to pinch the sphincter on the a$$hole Recruitment Center, AKA, the sale forums.
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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shit would be a lot calmer around here if a more strict rule set was in place. All the bullshit is just a distraction, and to the casual viewer, seeing it take place outside of FS gives the forum a bad image.

Wow.  pot meet kettle.  Dont you think the endless complaints out of you do a good job of making this forum look like a toilet?

When you can find someone WHO WAS NOT ON THE FIRST PAGE BEGGING FOR A FREE TRINKET FROM NAZI NICK'S RAFFLE (you were on the first page, and thus carry no weight with me, and don't qualify since you knew this clown was a a$$hole from jump street due to his other post), and have them provide me with a compiled list of my supposed endless complaints I have posted, that somehow happen to far exceed and trump everyone else's here, by doing a side by side comparison with a graph chart and scientific data, lmk. I average 2 post a day, and I don't maintain any hate on ebay reseller threads, so I am sure this will be a easy task for your champion to complete. Thanks for your interest though guy.

And just to add, anyone wanting to criticize me and protest my supposed endless complaints along with tggodfrey here, you can go pound salt in Hades while suffering a giant rubber dong up your ass for eternity for all the good it will do you, because nothing you say will carry any weight with me either on the subject. Half the people here saw Nazi Nick's f*cking melt down and the shity treatment towards Bernie prior to said raffle and sales. Bernie, who GAVE far far more to this community then Nazi Nick ever did, was tossed aside, abandoned, in favor of some a$$hole simply because the guy was offering something shiny and new.

Many here decided to toss Bernie under the f*cking bus for a pretty trinket UP UNTIL it ended up said obvious a$$hole just also happens to be a racist, and even after that many still wanted to continue on like all was well. EVERYTHING was good up until that moment for most involved. Some at least saw the error of their ways. A few knew it was all f*cked up from the get go and stood up for Bernie. So for anyone who wants to complain about me, who also happen to be one of the ones who signed up on that raffle and stood aside while that shit went down, because they wanted some dumb f*cking neon sign, what does that say about your character and convictions exactly? Yeah, f*cking thought so. And now you have the same selfish a$$holes posting and voting in here, getting irked that there is a slight, yet possible, risk that they may lose their shot at getting more shit from similar a$$holes, regardless of what others in the community may have to contend with, because their vast and endless greed trumps all else. Am I surprised? No, not in the least.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 08:50:05 PM by ProfessorProfessorson »


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now a feedback system i fully support.


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now a feedback system i fully support.

Ditto.  It would be nice to have a feedback system.  :) So when guys like Canada ship in a cornflakes box, we can share.  lol.  I stil cannot believe that guy did that!


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Half the people here saw Nazi Nick's f*cking melt down and the shity treatment towards Bernie prior to said raffle and sales. Bernie, who GAVE far far more to this community then Nazi Nick ever did, was tossed aside, abandoned, in favor of some a$$hole simply because the guy was offering something shiny and new.

Many here decided to toss Bernie under the f*cking bus for a pretty trinket UP UNTIL it ended up said obvious a$$hole just also happens to be a racist, and even after that many still wanted to continue on like all was well.

QFT.  And that's the reason that "self-policing" will never work around here. 
