Are you, idk, actually wallowing in self-pity here?
Um...pity? No.
See, this is where I wonder...why we understand each other so poorly. I don't mean "understand" as in "agree", I mean simply...I don't know WTF you are even talking about. WTF are you imagining I'm feeling sorry for myself for? I didn't make this post because I'm sad, I made this post as a response to your posts which I often hate and think are stupid.
My life is actually totally amazing right now. Without going into levels of obnoxious detail I'll just say that when I was younger I didn't actually think things would turn out this great. My biggest problem in life right is a toothache that only started a few days ago and until I can get to a dentist I'll have to avoid extremely cold drinks. That's it. That's my
only worry. I mean, that's pretty amazing, honestly, you have to admit that. I've got nothing to feel sorry for myself for.
I see something stupid and I say, "That's f*cking dumb. Maybe if I say something about it he'll stop". Its really just that simple. Obviously I'm a bit dumb to think you'd ever shut up, but that really is the basic mechanism.
you also stalk certain members at every turn.
Well, first off, unless by "member
s" you are referring to other shards of your multiple personality disorder, you're wrong. The only one here I specifically target is you. I do give a lot of shit to RoyVegas, but there is no need to follow him anywhere. All you need to do is mention his name and he'll find you. He's like Beatlejuice or some shit!
As for the verb, I don't think you know what "stalk" means. No, you
must know what stalk means because they must have explained it to you in court.
I do not do Google searches for forum members. I do not bring up shit here that that originated on other forums or Youtube or whatever else. When a new member starts posting here I do not at once go about trying to figure out if he's a known bad guy previously banned somewhere else.
Saying "hi" or "go f*ck yourself" to someone at the mall is not stalking. Following them to the next public place and doing it again is. Doing detective work to find out their home address is completely over the line. I've never done a single one of these things, with seems to be your number one hobby.
You have taken it upon yourself to be the PCEFX detective. You do actual research on the people behind the usernames. You follow them to and from other forums, to eBay, Facebook, etc. I never do this, you are always doing this.
When a new guy shows up on the forum and within three posts you know its some noob dumper who has already got the same shit for sale on a dozen other forums, or when its Nintega in disguise...a lot of people think that's really impressive (which it is) and beneficial (which it...often is) but its also COMPLETELY f*ckED UP. How much snooping and cataloging did you have to do to know that? A sane person with a life just doesn't have that in them. Shit, me writing this huge post just to you pretty much proves I need to get out more, but you've got to be spending 100x as much time on stalking all those dumpers and crooks and everyone else on your Enemies List.
Serious question: how do you organize the evidence? Is it just in a typical nested system of folders, or do you use a database program such as Microsoft Access or Filemaker Pro to handle all the shit? This is a serious question that I would like an answer to.
Another serious question: I never used the Shoutbox and was never really into IRC and the like. The realtime nature of that must be a real quandary. All that evidence just appearing and then going away forever. Have you ever devised a log system or maybe some sort of video capture solution so you could save that shit and throw it in people's faces months or years down the road if they cross the line? This is a serious question that I would also like an answer to.
Last serious question: If I do cross the much shit do you have on me? I mean, if I mail a package two days late or a wire falls off a mod I did, how bad can you f*ck me? Do you know the address of where I work? I know you know my real name, my age, all that shit. You probably know my username on forums I haven't been to in years. How good are you?
But no, somehow you envisioned this as some struggle the likes of which compares to Batman, with you in the role as the Joker, battling for high stakes.
Have you every actually read a Batman comic? I mean, I'm not a fan and haven't actually bought one in 20 years, but maybe you've seen the movies or something? Or maybe you just don't have the brain power to understand my Batman reference and you're starting to run away with it not even know WTF I meant. If the past is any indicator, soon there will be 15 level meta-referencial jokes based on your not getting my reference that nobody but you will understand so I'll try to explain myself and put an end to that as soon as possible.
A central tenant to the whole Batman thing since...I'd guess the mid-80s (also seen in Spiderman) is that while on the surface Batman is busting bad guys left and right that the cops won't or can't touch, he's also got a fairly huge number of enemies that wouldn't even exist without him. Batman is just as crazy and f*cked up as all the dumb-assed he's busting every day and maybe, just maybe, there're be a more peaceful world if the bad guys didn't have to kick everything they do up ten notches knowing they'll encounter Batman every time they try a heist. Guys end up bring a bazooka to a knife fight. Would Nintega be Nintega without you?
I do not see myself as the Joker. That's just stupid. You're not so stupid that you'd make that mistake except you're deliberately ignoring the crux of this reference. I'm more like...some random dude writing un-read letters to the Gotham Globe about how the dumpster outside my apartment has Two Face shaped dents in it thanks to that a$$hole Batman.
As for not ripping anyone off, no, it does not seem you have. But also, you actually have not DONE anything FOR anyone most of the time. No one ever sees you going out of your way to help anyone
Really? I guess you need to stalk me more. I'm basically known as a decent and generous guy by most people I know. I guess I haven't done much that was both Turbo related and publicly displayed on this forum aren't that all knowing. I could have donated last month's pay to charity, or I could have (like you) the skins of children drying in my attic. I'm not sure how you'd ever know, and I really don't see what the point is.
Basically, I crap on your posts because they are deranged. I'm not a huge fan of actual cops. Pathetic wannabe cops who try to bring some bullshit smack down of justice into whatever meek pathetic world of ego-less toadies that will have them...its disgusting.
This isn't GameFAQs or the Nickelodeon forums. Its not a top-down organization. It doesn't need your dumb-ass mall coping and it will ultimately get or not get its feedback system, minimum post count, whatever with or without your pleas for mod interference, admin involvement, software upgrades, or anything else. Honestly, you are an asset to this forum in a dozen ways, this hall monitor bullshit just isn't one of them.
I realize this is an extreme example, and I'll half-heartedly apologize in advance for this, but you're a lot closer to a George Zimmerman than a Trayvon Martin and that is why you make me sick.