Herc I'm sorry you were offended by my internet meme picture. I should've remembered that Professor is the only one allowed to be a dick around here.
Internet meme=not funny
drawing penises on the faces of other members kids=funny
got it.
The point being, which you continue to not realize, or are choosing to ignore, is Herc did NOTHING to you, and you attacked him, intentional or not, over what would be considered a rather emotionally exposing post. It was simply in terribly bad taste. It would be similar to if one of Firebombers family came here to post something heart felt and you took a dump on it with some mem pic you thought was relevant to the post also. Evidently though there seems to be a bit more behind it from the way you are continuing to react, instead of simply apologizing to him in a honest polite fashion. Referring to incidents on FS, that were in fact retaliation for that matter (which I, on my own, took steps to rectify), for actions of equal caliber aimed at my own children during other incidents, does not really help build you a case. If you want to build a case, do it on your own merits, not off someone elses back. And seriously, just apologize to Herc. Admit it was a stupid thing to do and move on. Is it really that hard, or do you really have something against the guy?
Blah blah blah
Why hasn't Mike locked this thread yet? That's the real mystery.
Ha, the irony. In FS you accuse/complain of me locking threads, and here we are, and now you evidently want me to do so? No, sorry guy, doesn't work that way. You can tough it out. Hang in there big guy.