First, thanks to everyone for your kind words--I have become less and less worried of embarrassing myself in goofy videos.
... You're unusually and perpetually happy...
My favorite things in life are very dark/sad/depressing/pessimistic (films/songs/stories/art), so I suppose it all balances out. Seriously.
My favorite chocolate: BITTERSWEET. See what I mean? Seriously, though, I have extra (un)healthy servings of stress/frustration in my everyone. Why can't stress have one positive benefit? Like...freshen my breath? Why do I have to worry about ass-breath in addition to everything else?
Goofiness is my coping mechanism.
Oh wait, you are an actor?
My over-acting was ridiculous! I should have toned it down a bit...luckily, my inability to keep a straight face will keep me out of the acting profession (I kept laughing the entire time, especially when I got on the floor--ha!).
Loved the combination of camo pajama pants with the dress shirt!
I was hoping someone would appreciate that combo
. I wore those Camo PJ pants at family Christmas party yesterday with a similar dress shirt. FASHION BE DAMNED, those PJ pants are comfortable.
You totally look like such a happy boy playing your freshly opened game !!
I'll tell you why: I had forgotten about the awesome tune that plays during the bonus stages! SUCH A GREAT TUNE and I had not listened to it in a long, long time. NightWolve will notice that this song has a somber undercurrent--my favorite (in fact, I prefer to spell "somber" as "sombre" just captures the mood better. Like "kool" instead of "cool".)