I'm jumping in late on this one but I don't think I could take money for guaranteeing that I hack/translate a project since due to real life you never know what would come up. Donations I'm cool with (and would gladly except cause free money is good

) but with the caveat that I may never finish whatever I'm working on cause you know, real life and such

I love doing this stuff though so don't see myself stopping anytime soon

Now far as Anearth goes I did look at it a loooooooong time ago. Here's my notes too just in case anyones curious as I don't mind who works on something as long as it gets done :
!!!!! -- Seiya Monogatari - Anearth Fantasy Stories --
Compression Text : Yes, LZSS
Example of text block : 275800 (LZSS block appears to start at 27580C, not sure about bytes before it though)
Compression Graphics :
Example of graphics block :
Notes :
*Letter loading is done at $72DC, uses 1 byte characters too that don't match up to SJIS, dictionary values as well
*Right before name entry screen shows, loads $DA000 ($6D/0000) with compressed block, after name entry its uncompressed to $F7009 (Routine around $56A6)
*Compressed block is loaded into $A000
*Buffer is 0xFFF in size, starts at 0xFEE
Now how easy it is from there to get the script, not sure as really all I did was quick looksy. Also I looked at quite a few more too but sadly didn't write (type) them all down. I may have them somewhere else though too... I tend to forget

(Some others: Eiyuu Densetsu II, Gulliver Boy, Mateki Densetsu Astralius, Private Eye Dol, all from the notes file I found).
Also, Xanadu 1/2 is probably one of the worst I've worked on far as extracting scripts go

Falcom in general is I think. At least they keep the same compression scheme the same for all their games

So anything is easier then X1/2

(I throw in 1 as I believe I looked at it and it used the same stuff as X2... could be wrong though

I'll take a bit more of a look at Anearth and see what I come up with but as SamIAm said, you never know until you really start digging into it

It would be nice if there were some kind of "kickstarter" fund if you will for translations. I can see how money would really gum up the works though.
I'd much rather contribute to a kickstarter to translate a PCE RPG than something like Pier Solar ports. But it would need to have a translator and hacker lined up with a plan.
This would be awesome I think but I wonder how fast it'd get C&Ded since arguably what we do is not quite legal (depending on where you live REing something that is not yours is illegal). Course if we could guarantee the rights for the project then that'd definitely work. Definitely an awesome idea though