Its possible the disc was not stamped well, causing some issues with the laser. It's not something you could see with your eyes, but the simple flaws in a pressed disc can really strain a laser. Double Dragon on Neo Cd was one that was pressed really bad. Only the best of lasers could read it without issue, and I had a Metal Slug on Neo CD once that had similar issues on spots of the disc where I guess they used a worn stamper. A few music tracks would skip in certain spots no matter what system the disc was used on except for one in particular that had no issue. When it skipped on the other decks it was always in the exact same spots on 3 other different systems. No scratches on the disc mind you. A music cd I have here now, Ministry: Greatest Fits has the same issues going on. Older cd drives have issues playing the disc and will skip in spots, especially near the end of the disc. Newer modern cd drives have no issue with it though.