I understand where you came from, not saying that you should understand necessarily where I came from. Each of you spoke and made clear their thoughts.
I tried to be friendly and honest, thinking that I could talk with other adult people about a passion (video games), and a console in particular, but some obviously do not have the same attitude than others, and honestly I have no reason here to cause any kind of problem to your "ecosystem"...I was not here to launch pebbles in the water and have fun looking at the circles that I caused.
To be precise: I asked info about prices without using my ebay account; I know that it is hard to believe that there may be someone out there with the same nick, but it is also hard to believe that a grown up man (not a kid, a man), would be so retard to create an account on this board using the same nick that he uses on ebay....especially since he is a greedy bastard that just wants to monitor the board to see where he can make profit, right? Would be much easier to create a new account with a totally different name, don't you think? Anyway, I am still wondering why am I explaining this; if you want to believe that it was me, I am fine with it; I do not control what you believe, so you are free to think whatever you prefer.
I am thinking that on this board there are people that are in fact doing what you accused me to do, that sell stuff on ebay and use this forum to make profit; maybe you never knew it because they never mentioned it (and I may understand now why they didn't); If this is what is bothering you, then you should start to find these people, instead than throwing stones at whom was trying to be honest.
And to be clear, I asked for repairs info, for a paid service, not out of charity (and thanks to all that has sent me messages and to whom gave suggestions on that thread); I am part of a BMW forum and asking for a good mechanic is basically one of the most simple form of participation in there; If this is considered taking advantage, then I would be really surprised to see you going on sites like stackoverflow and give for free suggestions, about how to resolve technical problems

Maybe all the forums where I've been are different, and was expecting the same here.
I would not be entering in any raffle before having this conversation with some of you, you can imagine now...I may not have money but for sure I do not eat on the back of others...I rather starve than do that, and I care about my pride, because that's how was raised. None of you knows me so I can understand that you need to think badly about someone that spoke like I did...you can always say that what I wrote ticked you off, and I understand that, so no big deal.
I guess that gathering electronic items called video games (because I can't use the word "collecting" without giving it a bad name with my actions), is not something that I can afford; I cannot afford to keep all that I buy without selling it, nor I can guarantee to myself that I will be able to never ever get rid of it, for a reason or another...this makes me a person that just buy electronics when he can, not a collector. PRobably I do not have the right, to feel emotions as some of you, since I am in a different situation. All that I should feel is the noise of the coins in the purse, like a greedy goblin, right? Sorry, it isn't exactly like that.
Anyway, thanks for making it clear where you stand; it was a pleasure to meet all of you, independently from how you treated me (always thankful for meeting nice people, but even more grateful for knowing people which I should never interact anymore). I will take my leave, so you don't have to worry about me anymore (and no, I will not open another account; you can rest assured about that, and you can even save my IP address to verify...I have no interest in such childish behaviors; I have kids, I am not a kid myself).
Wish you the best and please, go ahead and remove my posts and my account; or keep them and make fun of them; whatever suits you. Thanks for having me here.