Author Topic: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0  (Read 1122 times)


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2013, 10:17:33 PM »
Hold up - let's be realistic.  The guy is new here, and he doesn't know how the majority of us feel about that kind of attitude.  He hasn't tried to mislead anyone, and I think that's important.  He also doesn't regard the PC Engine as highly as most of us do.

@Darshie; I should explain at this point that a big deal on these forums are people that use what we see as a hobby for profit - thereby driving up the prices for those of us that collect out of love for the system.  So talk of selling for profit doesn't go down well, as most of us help each other out by sharing games at cost price rather than profiting, so that the price stays low and others get to enjoy.

I see where you're coming from, I wouldn't want to invest in something temporary only to lose interest and sell it for a loss later, but unfortunately that is a possibility here.  And the worst thing would be to take advantage of generosity here, to turn it to your personal profit later.

Maybe your best bet is to start out with a flash card to give your system a test run without to much outlay.  If you find yourself enjoying the system, maybe you'll stick with it, but if you're here for a quick in-out, make a quick buck, you'll likely find yourself unwelcome - at least in the trading threads, if not hostility elsewhere.  Just a heads up :)


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2013, 10:41:54 PM »
NOTE: soop did the right thing (stopping the hate train), I want to build on what soop said:

darshie, you were honest and forthright, which is noble. seriously.

You explained your different motivations for pursuing PCE/TG-16 and I now understand the different comments/concerns you shared in this thread.

However, some folks here are easily offended (note posts above) and will see you as more of a parasite than a member of this community.

Now, don't get me wrong, we are not naive: we know that MANY (perhaps even 99%) of the folks who get into PCE/TG-16 eventually sell their stuff for various reasons. Some folks want to make an investment, some folks want to play for ____ period of time before selling, some folks simply lose interest, some folks horribly mismanage their money and sell out of desperation, some folks simply love the "thrill of the hunt"....

Personally, I like that you were forthright about your plans. You KNOW what you want to do and have reasons for doing so. A lot of idiots who come here SAY one thing, but end of DOING another thing....

...but therein lies the rub, darshie: folks are going to be pissed off at you, unless you totally lie about everything. And I don't want you to lie. But if you don't lie, you'll get shit for being a parasite.

I am not saying it is fair, and I honestly have more respect for folks like you than the members who have ulterior motives but keep them hidden.

Sorry for the long post, but this is an ongoing issue we are dealing with and, as luck would have it, this thread just happened to be at the right time at the right place for me to put in my two cents.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 10:49:21 PM by esteban »
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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2013, 02:15:53 AM »
Well, my preferences are based on 2 points:

1) I am making a collection, but I don't want to invest thousands unless it is worth....I know that the whole thing of saving goes against the main point of collecting something (it is expensive by definition). If I can go on with what I have already, I am glad to avoid to spend more money :) So for now I have the 2.0 card and I can play and collect games that run on a 2.0; then I can buy a 3.0 and buy other games that run on 3.0. The arcade card sounds good, but since I do not play these games, I don't buy them just for the sake of the is a delicate balance between what I play and like, and what I collect jut for making a profit once I will sell it.

2) I collect other systems and other things....and I have a simple job so I can't afford "everything", nor I can settle on just collecting one thing :) I spend already hundreds on collectible toys and games, so once that I run low on cash I gotta prioritize, and the arcade games for the PCE are really low on the list.
The idea is that eventually I will run low on interest and sell the PCE collection (or my wife kicks me out of the house first); and start with something else, so at least I want to get first what I play with, and enjoy, before than just buying for the sake of completeness.

Neo Geo sells pretty well; I had multiple offers from many collectors, to get my games and console, so that's why I went for that road...with the PCE I've noticed that prices may vary a lot (some crazy people were selling bomberman "sealed" for 400 bucks; while others had an almost new copy for less than 50 dollars...but even with non sealed games the prices goes wildly), and this is scary since if I buy games that I don't even play, for a bunch of money, and then want to sell, I get stuck if the market goes down.
I will buy and sell stocks if I wanna go for that road, hence my idea to focus on what retain value.

Of course you can tell me "then do not collect games, because this is what it is", but I would find this pretty limiting....we do things because we want, and we do not stop just because someone think differently, right? :)

I am not asking you to understand me of course; we are all different after all ;) I don't know why any of you collect PCE stuff, but all that I collect is because I love it,I had it when I was a kid or never had it when I was a kid; I am attached to my stuff and sometimes sad when I get rid of them; In a perfect world I have the time, the money and the space where to put anything I want, but ain't gonna happen in the real world.
If you are going to make an investment for profit, invest in gold and silver. Enough said.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2013, 05:38:54 AM »
The guy's desire to weigh video games as if they were a real estate purchase instead of just buying games because they are fun is offensive, sure.

What's downright hilarious is that anyone would consider such a thing when maybe %1 of all PCE games have actually risen in value since they were released. Another %1 have maintained, and the other %98 have dropped at least %50 if not %90 of their value since released and I really don't see this changing ever.

This isn't Neo Geo, where you have a library of 120 or so $250 games being released in qualities of a few hundred. These are $70 PCE games released in quantities of the tens of thousands, a library of 700 games...many many of which haven't aged as well as most Neo stuff.

The idea that you can do anything but lose money on this game system (or almost any game system) is hilarious. Even a banker would laugh, and those guys are pretty humorless.

This leaves aside the notion of "I can only collect 2.0 games because if I get a 3.0 card I'll have to get all the 3.0 games and I don't necessarily like them and I might lose money on them as well I eventually sell them". That's just nuts. He should really be collecting something stupid like stamps or hockey cards. This is software we are talking about. If you want to play a game, buy it. If you don't, don't buy it. Its incredibly easy.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2013, 05:41:55 AM »
Well, I'm going to keep churning the cauldrons of hate because this guy IS deceitful and he IS saying one thing and doing another.

He hasn't tried to mislead anyone, and I think that's important.  

Yes he has.

A lot of idiots who come here SAY one thing, but end of DOING another thing....

Exhibit A:
I don't know why any of you collect PCE stuff, but all that I collect is because I love it

Exhibit B:
eventually I will run low on interest and sell the PCE

Looks like the usual lip service and double talk to me.

Finally, anyone who's more concerned about "getting stuck if the market goes down" than playing Super CD games should earn the enmity of both anti-gougers and the Obey crew.
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2013, 11:51:38 AM »
"The Market"...

...I just barfed.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2013, 02:28:55 PM »

I have no problem with folks smacking darshie around, but I wanted to at least offer him some basic info as I sipped my morning coffee. Plus, I felt bad for insulting everyone's poor taste in the other thread .

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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2013, 05:47:29 PM »
I am not sure how did I offended anyone...I didn't came here out of the blue, saying that collecting games is a waste of time, and has to be done only for profit and such things. I feel like this is all that you see in what I posted, which is highly one-sided honestly, and on the verge of the "if you are not thinking what we say, you are not even worth to talk to".

I desired to own a PCE (and many other console), since when I was a kid; but I never had the money, nor the possibility to even buy one....the best that I've got was an intellivision used, because that's all that my parents were able to afford. I grew up and decided that when I will have the money, I will buy what I always wanted....and here I am, buying all the things that I dreamed of.

If for you is offensive to think that I have the desire one day, to sell my collection and get the money that I put in, I have no idea what to say. I don't buy with the idea to sell; I buy knowing that eventually I will have to sell...if you are lucky to have a great job, a stable family, a house that is yours and space and time to do all that you want, I am happy for you; I am not in this situation. I move around, I need to sell something sometimes, and then when I can I buy it again, so forgive me if I have to keep an eye on the wallet too; because if I find myself in a tight situation, at least I know that I can move on for a bit, until I have again the chance to get back what I had to sell.

If I had the money I would probably invest in stocks, buy a farm and grow animals, or get a nice house in Malibu or in LA, but is not my case; if your life is all good and happy, and you can spend as much as you want, buying systems and games to your heart content, I am happy for you, and hope that you will always be in this situation.

I tried to explain where I came from; if you collect for your own reason I have no right to neither judge you, nor to say is your passion and you live it in the way that you deem right; I try to do what I can to follow my passions, and to keep an eye to the financial situation. Then if I get tired of something, I am glad to pass on what I have to someone else that can enjoy it, like I did the first time that I touched 15-25 years old hardware that I only dreamed about, when I was a teen (yes, most of the people from whom I sold or bought stuff were teens or under 25; I wish I was so lucky).

Anyway, thanks for the attacks, and thanks for demonstrating me that not even on a video game forum, I can talk about something, without being labeled as a "not worthy", because I don't follow the fanatic approach that many people has. Instead of finding the common points between people, some can just see the differences and blame the others because they are not like them; and this is really sad.

I never offended anyone; nor I mind you doing is a forum on internet; I can simply accept that some people are like that and avoid them. I am sure that the games that you purchased were not sold by people to make money; they did it for free, out of their love for other fellow game lovers; or even worst; they had to sell it maybe to pay their bill at the end of the month; but you don't care right?

I thank the people that were civil and polite, and that made their point without excess; usually you always get back what you do, so I prefer to do good.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2013, 05:59:20 PM »

@Darshie; I should explain at this point that a big deal on these forums are people that use what we see as a hobby for profit - thereby driving up the prices for those of us that collect out of love for the system.  So talk of selling for profit doesn't go down well, as most of us help each other out by sharing games at cost price rather than profiting, so that the price stays low and others get to enjoy.

I see where you're coming from, I wouldn't want to invest in something temporary only to lose interest and sell it for a loss later, but unfortunately that is a possibility here.  And the worst thing would be to take advantage of generosity here, to turn it to your personal profit later.

Maybe your best bet is to start out with a flash card to give your system a test run without to much outlay.  If you find yourself enjoying the system, maybe you'll stick with it, but if you're here for a quick in-out, make a quick buck, you'll likely find yourself unwelcome - at least in the trading threads, if not hostility elsewhere.  Just a heads up :)

If I give this impression I am sorry because it was not the idea; in the same way you buy a car, hoping to not spend thousands in repair, and hoping that last for long time, I try to cover my back, in case that I need to get rid of part of the collection (as I tried to explain in the previous post).

I am not for a quick in and out; I've been waiting 15 years to buy this console, and even if I have the emulators, it is not the same thing; I wanted the real thing.

I still own an Amiga, which is still working, and it is my most dear thing, because was the first thing that I purchased with my own money, when I've got my first job. Even if I play on the computer with the emulator; I have floppy that I use, because is that feeling of owning something that makes it special, and if it is not tangible, is just crap.

I am planning to build my collection, I don't plan to abuse of anyone's time or generosity, and if I can do anything for the community I am more than happy to do it; but if you see me as a person that one day will sell his games; there is nothing that I can do to change make your own ideas about people, and most likley once you have an idea, you won't change it.

If I gotta buy something and make a loss on it, so be it; I bought a 40 years old car trying to restore it, and after 5 years I still have it, even if it cost me a lot of money in repairs...i wanted it, and once I had the chance to get one, I purchased it, and unless I gotta get rid of it because I get kicked out of my actual job, I plan to keep it. But I am realistic...dunno where you came from, or how is your life style; I see mine and I have no long term hope to be in a stable position, so gotta also consider what may possibly get if I need to depart from my collection.

I appreciated your words and the fact that you didn't just jump on my head before giving me the time to explain.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2013, 08:41:17 PM »
Darshie, one, to be honest, the one thread about the ebay prices, really most assume it is your ebay account. It is cool to ask advice on how you should price things, but using deception as a tool in order to gauge your items value and try to promote your auctions, well, most will not take kindly to that around here. Two, you asked us what all the good 2.0 titles were, we give you a great hit list, and you turn around and tell us you buy the stuff as a investment with plans to resell for profit. Basically you just laid it out there without saying in so many words that you wanted to know what titles were in demand for it so that you would have a idea of what was safe to buy and resell. Instead of being willing to take risk, you are trying to use this forum to be your financial adviser on your so called investments. It is very parasitic on multiple levels.

Third, you use the word "collect" often, yet the actual meaning of being a game collector has clearly eluded you. People who collect never have any initial plans to sell. For a game collector, or a collector in most hobbies in general that hold some artistic, entertainment, or creative merit, concerning long term value money wise, it's the absolute last thing on their mind when making a purchase. For most collectors in any hobby with true substance, like gaming, book, music, or movie collecting, it's an emotional investment they put towards their collection, their will to expand and enjoy it, that drives and motivates a collectors purchases. They take pride in the items they own and enjoy. If you purchase with the intent or knowledge of selling down the road, factoring in long term value and profit on all your buys, and then you sell, you then have no steady collection, and you most definitely are not a game collector. You are simply a game reseller. Dirty word, I know, but that is what you are.

And I would like to not confuse being a game collector with being a gamer while we are at it here, and to state you definitely are not a "gamer" either by any means. Gamers tend to have no real collections to speak of value wise. Gamers and game collectors both enjoy playing games. But gamers, they buy plenty of games and often just resell them, but mainly at a loss, not for profit, simply to help them move on to the next new game they plan to play. That or they give them away. They tend to have no classic library to fall back on, except for maybe burned copies anyway, and usually have one, or two consoles at the most and maybe a library of 10-20 titles at any given time that are actual legit copies, or they just play on pc and use steam for their purchases or dl shit. Gamers love to play games just as much, if not more then game collectors, but they don't have the same emotional attachments as game collectors do when it concerns having a large physical catalog of titles in their possession.

If for you is offensive to think that I have the desire one day, to sell my collection and get the money that I put in, I have no idea what to say. I don't buy with the idea to sell; I buy knowing that eventually I will have to sell.

Buying knowing you will be selling one day is the exact same as buying with intent, because you stated prior this is an investment and you flip for profit in the end. No amount of double talk is going to help wiggle you out of this. To be quite honest, I think you are on the wrong forum. My advice would be to just go elsewhere where this practice is a bit more accepted, maybe on a dealers forum, or go hit up the Neo Geo forums or something. Less headache for you, and one less person here that people will be compelled to hate.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2013, 08:59:38 PM »
Hey Darshie, you gave a reasoned response, and I totally understand where you're coming from.  But for once, I sadly agree with prof, this probably isn't the best forum to be on. The amount of hostility you'll get, justified or not, will make it unpleasant for you, and you probably won't benefit from 90% of what goes on here - being that about 10% (in my rough estimation) is actually about buying/selling/collecting.

You'll get the odd magical chase thread or whatever, but from my eyes, it's mostly made up of nostalgia, thoughts on what you're playing, coding new titles, and repairing old systems.  Possibly in that order.  People who tend to post mainly in sales threads tend not to last long.

So I'm sorry you got off on the wrong foot with some people - in my opinion they did act harshly.  But in the end  I hope you can see what they were getting at :(


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2013, 02:48:49 AM »
Don't sweat the prices too much; most PCE games are the same price now as they were a decade ago.  Buy whatever looks like fun to you and resell when the need arises, and you'll generally break even (make a little from some titles, lose a little from others), though you'll end up eating shipping and ebay/paypal fees.  It's a small price to pay for the fun of OBEYing.

On the other hand, if you plan on buying only from good guys here (like Bernie) and reselling 'em on ebay for high BINs, then you are indeed a jerk and deserving of the above vitriol.
U.S. Collection: 97% complete    155/159 titles


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2013, 07:28:58 AM »
if you see me as a person that one day will sell his games; there is nothing that I can do to change make your own ideas about people
I buy knowing that eventually I will have to sell...


First, stop pretending that we're fanatics jumping to conclusions about you. I'm not judging you as a profiteer, you said that you're a profiteer.

Second, drop the "poor-gamer-watching-his-wallet" shtick and this bullshit about retro gaming being your only recourse for investments. I'm well below the poverty line and I have a an IRA. If you can afford a Neo Geo, you can afford a certificate of deposit. I moved three times in two years and I didn't sell shit. You're in the prime of life, you have enough discretionary income to buy vintage video games, and you can afford to move around a lot. Cry me a f*cking river. You don't "have" to sell anything. PROTIP: collectibles are more volatile than stocks (!).

If for you is offensive to think that I have the desire one day, to sell my collection and get the money that I put in, I have no idea what to say.

If you're old enough to remember the PCE as a kid, then you're also old enough to remember that profiting on used video games is a recent phenomenon. I don't know about you, but I still believe that after a game has been shipped to me in a crushed bubble mailer and after I've played it thirty times and cleaned it and read the manual, it's worth LESS than I paid for it. I grew up selling my games for pennies on the dollar at garage sales and Funco. The fact that a gamer can now reasonably hope for half to two-thirds of the price paid is a dream come true.

Sell your stuff, fine, but do it the old-fashioned way and you throw yourself at the mercy of the market. Whatever you "put in" is irrelevant: possessions depreciate and demand fluctuates. Too many self-entitled gougers think ebay is some kind of Wal-Mart where they can demand their money back.
You can say that you don't "plan to abuse of anyone's time or generosity", but if you come here asking for appraisals and repair advice and if you appreciate or (godforbid) take advantage the raffles and members' attempts to sell below ebay prices, then you ARE abusing that generosity by tracking prices and planning to sell for profit.
STATUS: Try not to barf in your mouth.


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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #43 on: January 24, 2013, 01:28:29 AM »

darshie, I think the preceding remarks from Prof, soop and Vestcoat make it clear precisely why we are irritated by certain philosophies/actions.

This is a small community that thrives on playing PCE.
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Re: Games on CD worth buying, that works with the system card 2.0
« Reply #44 on: January 26, 2013, 05:09:38 PM »
I understand where you came from, not saying that you should understand necessarily where I came from. Each of you spoke and made clear their thoughts.

I tried to be friendly and honest, thinking that I could talk with other adult people about a passion (video games), and a console in particular, but some obviously do not have the same attitude than others, and honestly I have no reason here to cause any kind of problem to your "ecosystem"...I was not here to launch pebbles in the water and have fun looking at the circles that I caused.

To be precise: I asked info about prices without using my ebay account; I know that it is hard to believe that there may be someone out there with the same nick, but it is also hard to believe that a grown up man (not a kid, a man), would be so retard to create an account on this board using the same nick that he uses on ebay....especially since he is a greedy bastard that just wants to monitor the board to see where he can make profit, right? Would be much easier to create a new account with a totally different name, don't you think? Anyway, I am still wondering why am I explaining this; if you want to believe that it was me, I am fine with it; I do not control what you believe, so you are free to think whatever you prefer.

I am thinking that on this board there are people that are in fact doing what you accused me to do, that sell stuff on ebay and use this forum to make profit; maybe you never knew it because they never mentioned it (and I may understand now why they didn't); If this is what is bothering you, then you should start to find these people, instead than throwing stones at whom was trying to be honest.

And to be clear, I asked for repairs info, for a paid service, not out of charity (and thanks to all that has sent me messages and to whom gave suggestions on that thread); I am part of a BMW forum and asking for a good mechanic is basically one of the most simple form of participation in there; If this is considered taking advantage, then I would be really surprised to see you going on sites like stackoverflow and give for free suggestions, about how to resolve technical problems :) Maybe all the forums where I've been are different, and was expecting the same here.

I would not be entering in any raffle before having this conversation with some of you, you can imagine now...I may not have money but for sure I do not eat on the back of others...I rather starve than do that, and I care about my pride, because that's how was raised. None of you knows me so I can understand that you need to think badly about someone that spoke like I can always say that what I wrote ticked you off, and I understand that, so no big deal.

I guess that gathering electronic items called video games (because I can't use the word "collecting" without giving it a bad name with my actions), is not something that I can afford; I cannot afford to keep all that I buy without selling it, nor I can guarantee to myself that I will be able to never ever get rid of it, for a reason or another...this makes me a person that just buy electronics when he can, not a collector. PRobably I do not have the right, to feel emotions as some of you, since I am in a different situation. All that I should feel is the noise of the coins in the purse, like a greedy goblin, right? Sorry, it isn't exactly like that.

Anyway, thanks for making it clear where you stand; it was a pleasure to meet all of you, independently from how you treated me (always thankful for meeting nice people, but even more grateful for knowing people which I should never interact anymore). I will take my leave, so you don't have to worry about me anymore (and no, I will not open another account; you can rest assured about that, and you can even save my IP address to verify...I have no interest in such childish behaviors; I have kids, I am not a kid myself).

Wish you the best and please, go ahead and remove my posts and my account; or keep them and make fun of them; whatever suits you. Thanks for having me here.