...ugh... this game really is as terrible as they say it is. From the very first moments of gameplay... if the horrible character sprites and animations and disgustingly underdetailed and washed-out backgrounds don't irritate you, the terrible hit detection and nauseating sound effects most certainly will. And then, if you need to continue, you have to start the f*cking level over again. BOO. You suck. However, I discovered a way to turn the game's shitty flaws against it and chump the f*ck out of any boss, even Death Adder himself... the running tackle against the right side of the screen, when executed as the enemy is starting to get up, will hit *every time*... 100% chance of hitting, no chance of being countered if done right. It only works against the right side though, never against the left. Death Adder is exceedingly cheap and this is a great way to out-cheap him. Of course, maneuvering him into a compromising position is tough since he has those stupid ground wave things that will follow you around no matter where you are, and once he starts swinging his axe, he just doesn't stop until he knocks you out or he gets knocked down himself. Worst character AI ever.
So now I've seen all three character endings... and they all suck too. After the monstrosity of shit that the gameplay is, I was hoping the endings would be worth watching... but alas, they are not.
This game truly is a stain not only on the PCE's legacy but also on the legacy of Golden Axe. Telenet should be ashamed of such an abomination. For those of you who say "it's not that bad"... bollocks. If this is what you call "not bad", let's see what you consider "bad"... because this is one of the worst games I've ever sat through. Even Shape Shifter isn't this bad.