I spent a lot of quarters on SlySpy and Midnight Resistance in the arcades.
I think the HuC6280 was used as a sound chip for most of these other than Bloody Wolf though. I found this:
http://www.system16.com/museum.php?id=14This shows Data East's different hardware configurations.
This shows 68000 CPU and HuC6280 (clocked slower like in the MAME list posted above) for sound:
Configuration 4: (Sly Spy, Midnight Resistence, Etc..)http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=943Main Processor: MC68000 (16-bit, 12 MHz)
Sound: HuC6280 (8-bit, 3 MHz); YM2203 (1.5 MHz); YM3812 (3 MHz); OKI6295 (7.757 kHz)
Video Resolution: 256x240
But.. these might be PCE based...
Configuration 1: (Bloody Wolf)http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=940Main Processor: HuC6280 (8-bit, 7.159066 MHz)
Sound: HuC6280 (7.159066 MHz); YM2203 (1.5 MHz); MSM5205 (384 kHz)
And this one???Configuration 2:http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=942Main Processor: HuC6280 (8-bit, 7.159066 MHz)
Sound: M6502 (1.5 MHz); YM2203 (1.5 MHz); YM3812 (3 MHz); OKI6295 (7.759 kHz)
Video Resolution: 256x240