If I bought a flash cart I'd just be buying the one gameofyou is selling for $45 plus shipping. I see no need to have one that can fit more than one game at a time.
That is counter-intuitive to say the least. You like having to go back'n'forth to the PC and reloading it with another NEC ROM file when you wanna switch games instead of, I dunno, just having the whole library available at your fingertips in a standard micro SD card as the Turbo Everdrive provides ? Everdrive also supports the mapper for Street Fighter II CE, so it'll work with it while gameofyou's cannot even fit it in the limited memory that it was designed with. I mean, I'm all tired out of SF II, but I still would like to see what it looks like when it's running on my Express. Anyhow, basically, for $34 bucks more, you'd be getting the ultimate flashcart that works with and can store every US/Jap game ever made... In the face of that, I don't see how one can say, "
I see no need to have one that can fit more than one game at a time."
As to your question, that $85 would get you a Turbo Everdrive shipped from
krikzz's retrogate site, so I would spend it there instead of on some "witch girl on a broom" shooter that could be easily loaded onto it later and played to your heart's content...