I've got a few games I could send you files for but I'd need some help. Assuming I'm working with CDs, how do I get the chip tunes out?
Ahhhh, this is the pain we face. Some brilliant folks here have ripped PSG tunes (chiptunes) from CD-ROM games...but it requires fantastic skills beyond my ability. Bonknuts (or Covell)...let's see, he's ripped PSG tunes from Download 2 and some basic stuff from Fiend Hunter (I think it was one of them, anyway). The tunes from Download 2 are great, too. Someone ripped the PSG from Ys I & II (the music from the towns)...
Ripped PSG from CD-ROM is available as .hes files, which you play in an emulator.
I'll put this out to the gurus: is our only option (as technical imbeciles) to manually capture the songs (say, from a sound test)?