Here's a video of running on the ZX Spectrum. Therefore all your arguments are invalid.
That is so awesome! Thanks for sharing hahaha!
BTW what is this thread about again?
...oh god, not more of this.
I'm sorry. ](
You have a lot of mud to sling but no substance, embarrassing actually I figured with such anger would at least come a point 
You heard it here, folks. The SNES can't do mode-7 effects, but the Genesis can.
You misunderstood. The SNES has specific hardware in the unit itself and in a lot of carts with additional hardware chips to do mode 7. Mode 7 only applies to the SNES as it's a Nintendo term, so saying any other system can't do mode 7 is 100% accurate as only a SNES has mode 7 so duh. That said the Megadrive can do a version of the Mode 7 trick it via it's CPU doing the math. No special chips or hardware, just from the processor itself. It's in a couple of games and or course prominently in Pier Solar so that's that.
Only some SNES games use chips on cart to help in various ways. The SNES can do 60fps 3D-like floor effects without any extra "cheater" chips. F-Zero is a good example. It's true that pretty much any kind of effect can be calculated by a game console cpu and rendered in-game. But the Neo Geo is the only console that I know of that can't.
SNES, Genesis & PCE all have games featuring realtime polygons or 3D corridor effects.
Neo Geo literally cannot do realtime polygons, 3D corridor or any other cpu driven/software effects.
The Neo Geo can do what ever you tell it to do within limits (not gona program Bio Shock on it).
With clever tricks and programming you can make it do 3D and quite well.
Oh and if you want to program 3D on the Neo Geo, it can be done again with TRICKS, always a way. am sure it can do a style of the Mode 7 trick using massive sprites and animation.
That said it would be a ton easier to do with a simple add-on chip for the system to draw to, if that were done then all bets are off and the Neo would run with it.
That said it is a mostly a 2D power house, and just animates and scales what it needs to do.