What chaps my ass about Thrift stores, and it's getting worse, is the continual upward spiral of the prices. Please do not forget...most items these places sell, including ALL electronics, are donated. When that TG-16 is priced at $50 (if you can ever find one), that thrift store might have $3-$5 invested in it for overhead.
Thrift stores, especially Goodwill, have become retail stores. Take a look next time there are Atari 2600 games in your Goodwill. I guarantee they won't be priced under $2.25 a piece. Some are worth that, yes, but not Pac-Man/E.T./Superman/etc., all the super common ones essentially. Want to buy a CD? $5 a piece and that includes all PS1 games. PS2 games? $10 a piece and up...
In my lifetime of thrift store shopping, I have found one Keith Courage which I bought for $.50. I missed a Turboduo, in the box, about a year ago that went for $50. I know this because the woman knew my face and told me she had just sold it 10 or 15 minutes before I walked in.